Overheard: Southern Belle Edition

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Fun with Hummers

I hate Hummers. Not so much the vehicle. The drivers. You have to figure, anyone who drives one in a city has issues. Why? Simple. Out of every ten Hummers you see parked, five of them will be either: double, triple or quadruple parked (as shown above), over a curb, in a Handicapped spot or in a compact car space (also shown above). While I don't approve of keying vehicles, I do feel we need to show Hummer drivers what we think of them. Glue plastic army men all over the hood (bonnet). Use two part epoxy for a permanent…

Steven shocks

In the summer of 1978 I landed my first job at a tropical fish store. It was perfect; one mile from home, free pot and discounts on the fish supplies (important to me as I had 14 aquariums at the time). There was a local eccentric named Steven that spent his afternoons in the fish store. He was 31 and worked as a gas station attendant, back in the days when "full service" meant something. Steven was proud of his job and would regale us with his tales of the dangers involved in tow truck operation. I must have heard…

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More people we dislike #9: Airplane edition

The woman in the aisleway who prevents anyone from boarding the plane because she is busy art directing her luggage in the overhead compartment, rather than stuffing it in there and sitting down. The couple who ignore their screaming toddler for the duration of the flight. The wheezing sleeper I always get stuck next to. The flirty girl who wants to talk to me about Jesus. The mullet boy who asks me if I, "Got anyfing ta eat." The attractive woman who sexily slips off her pumps to reveal feet that smell like gangrenous musk oxen. The "religious expert" who…

Call Me Mr. Clean

OK, time to come clean. As many of you know, in May I became an African priest of the Lukumí religion. Go me. What you don't know are the restrictions placed on me, which of late have been leading to some fairly hilarious situations. For example, I have to wear all white. Head to toe. Every day. For a year. Really. I also cannot drink for a year, go to parties, movies or or restaurants. Basically, stay home and be good for a year. I know what you are thinking, and yes, Natalie and I can still do that. I…

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