Back tomorrow

Apologies for not posting. I was stuck at Chicago O’Hare airport all night.

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    Ha ha! 😀

  2. Darth Vader

    I forgive you

  3. Bjorn Freeh

    Were you joined by any other O’Hare-ee Krishnas in their best white linens?

    (btw, I think “Back tomorrow” counts as a posting)

  4. mikeme

    :java: :java: :java: :java: :java:

  5. Mandy

    Get some sleep! :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

  6. Drusky

    Having just flown to and back from Chicago O’Hare for a funeral, My Question is:
    Does your religion prevent you from throttling the rude taxi drivers, unhelpful airport personnel, downright unfriendly airline staff and the occasional fellow passenger, crammed into the seat next to you on the plane, who who is as sick as a dog and seems hell-bent on sharing it with you?

    B.T.W. I don’t sound like I’m still bitter, Do I? 👿

  7. Pappy

    [Comment ID #68055 will be quoted here]

    That sounds awful. And for a funeral too. 🙁 I’d be bitter too.

  8. Lace Valentine

    Was that Davezilla I saw at the airport?–or Emily Dickinson? :thong:

  9. [Comment ID #68055 will be quoted here]

    No, in fact it does not prevent that at all. 😈

  10. cbatdux

    Did you fly United? Did you pass through the underground tunnel with the flashing lights, tinny noises and awful smell? Quite the walk when you are tripping. Go for a bagel – they make them right there at O’hare.

    Did you know they sell more hotdogs in O’hare each year than in any other place in the world? And they are all sold by funny little men in white….

  11. Goth Princess

    You’re forgiven

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