Some changes, German aromas

Posts have been sporadic lately. Granted, by most blogs' standards, I am pretty punctual. I've missed nine days this year. Not bad. But not what I planned this site for. I remember in 2000, I used to post up to four or five times a day. I want to get back to that. Part of it's my crazy travel schedule for work. Part of it is that I am now a senior vice-president at the agency, so I have a lot more responsibilities. Part of it is a trap I got myself into. By always putting a video and link…

I need your help

Tell some jokes today. I got up at 3am yesterday for a day trip in and out of Washington, D.C. and it fried my brain. I got home in plenty of time to post, but I was dry. Nada. So please, entertain me. I need a recharge.

New look

I guess I never did get around to updating this site's appearance last year. There are of course, a few bugs, missing features and visual tweaks still. Safari is not displaying the comment editing buttons, but you can tell what they are by hovering your mouse over them. More new features to come over the week. Stay tuned…

Rest in peace, St. Augustine

[1998-2005] This weekend while I was in Toronto, my cats managed to open the screen door and get onto the balcony. When I came home, the youngest one was nowhere to be found. Tuesday night I found him huddled and shaking under a bush. He died Wednesday evening from internal injuries (he fell two stories onto some rocks). I am taking a few days off. Please understand.

Watch where you shake that thing!

This is a post for the gentlemen. Brothers, it's time for a lesson in etiquette. As longtime author of Manly Tips for Bachelor Living and creator of the best-selling calendar of the same name, I feel I have at least a modicum of authority. Please, please, for the love of God. If you're at the urinal, put the damn cellphone down and use at least one hand to keep things under control. Some of us prefer to attend meetings without a urine shower, and I'm quite certain your listener could wait another 60 seconds.

The first one’s always free

You may be hooked emotionally and psychologically. You may have developed a physical dependence, too. If you're addicted to Flickr — whether it's legal or illegal — you have intense cravings for it. You want to use it again and again. When you stop seeing your photostream for even ten minutes, you may have unpleasant physical reactions. An estimated 9.5 million Americans over the age of 12 use Flickr. Many other people abuse or are addicted to photostreams. Digital cameras are the most commonly used method. While not everyone who uses Flickr becomes addicted, many people do. As many as…

A favor

I have a confession. I've not been very pleased with this site over the past year. No, I am not going to give up posting. I just want to improve the content. I reread some of my older entries and in 2001-2003 I wrote some great entries. Last year, I could count on one hand the number of posts I wrote (not counting pictures) that made me laugh. The pictures are another issue. I have been posting an awful lot of reader-submitted photos and fewer of my own. Why? Work is interfering. I love my new job at Campbell-Ewald, but…