Category: Original Humor

  • New Year, New Pronouns


    According to my daughters, my pronouns are Bruh / Dude / and Hey!

  • Gods Through the Ages, Part I

  • What I Learned About Computer Security From Movies

    Computer security is a subject that, with the sole exception of Mr. Robot, has never been portrayed realistically on movies or television. I had a lot of help on this one. Co-authored by my old friends, Chris Moritz and Scott Vowels.

    A hacker wearing a hoodie in a dark room. He is working on a retro laptop.
  • Lies clients (still) tell freelancers


    The lies clients tell freelancers never change. I often wonder if there’s a business class where the prof tells students which lies to use on us.

    A Greek statue of a man facepalming from all the client lies he hears
  • Garganornis: Even its name is evil


    Just picture being a Cro Magnon. You’ve just gotten a nice cave in the ‘burbs for the fam. Worked hard on the garden damn, those 15 lb. Rafflesia flowers are looking fine. Then you hear it. Honking. Not the wimpy honk of a long-dead Velociraptor. Nope. There used to be a giant goose named Garganornis.…

  • I predict for 2020 through 2021

    The Good News Kanye, in a surprise last-minute move, wins the Electoral College and becomes the next president. First Lady Kim enforces twerking as a fitness regime in elementary schools to the dismay of parents. She admits this was a “marketing miss” and introduces the slogan, “Be Badass.” POTUSYe writes a new national anthem that…

    I predict for 2020
  • Dear Satan,

    Seeing as how the world and its population have changed dramatically over the centuries, I have some suggestions for you on expanding Hell to accommodate some of Earth’s newer denizens. Please add new sections to Hell for the following: Cyber Squatters who hold onto URLs. Double Dippers at parties. People who park in handicapped spots…

  • Every HGTV episode. Ever.

    First time buyers, Jeremy and Meagan have been looking at stately mansions in California’s pricey Sonoma Wine Country. Their must-haves include an Olympic swimming pool, a 1/4 mile dog kennel run, and a finished basement they can play regulation ice hockey in.” “Meagan is a stay-at-home, Mommy blogger who sends lots of empowering messages to…

  • Fantasy Movies that Should Have Been


    What fantasy movies did you think up?

  • What I Learned from Movies, XV: Cop-Out Answers

    One thing I really hate? Unacceptable answers to cover a weak plot or to justify why a character can do a certain thing. The second and third Matrix movies are notorious for covering plot gaps with lines that at first listen sound like they could be deep—then you remember that these are movies with Keanu…

  • What I Learned from Movies XIV: Military Movies

  • Things I Learned from Movies: Vampires

    What have you learned about vampires?