Stupid Tattoos No. 2

It's been three years since I wrote Part 1 of Stupid Tattoos. I've thought of a few since then. ;) Macaulay Culkin in Home AloneThe Coke vs. Pepsi ChallengeScabiesThe Louisiana PurchaseThe Polish Bicycle TeamKerry's Health PlanSomeone else's nippleReV.JeLLyBaBY and mikeB living naked in a caveBill O'Reilly having phone sex with his female employeesToho's attorneys

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If I am elected President…

There will not only be yards of beer, there will be yards of coffee. Daylight Saving Time will happen every season. I haven’t worked out the math yet, but we will gain an hour’s sleep every season. Let us learn from our southern neighbors in Mexico. Mandatory siestas at work. People who make quote marks with their fingers in the air while talking will be sent to a federal penitantiary. Donald Trump will be fired. Carrot Top will die for our sins. Hummer owners will be forced to drive AMC Pacers. Eating carbs would once again be something we are…

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How to win an argument with a cat

Begin with a standard ontological argument, such as Gödel’s Theorum. Open with Definition 1: x is God-like iff x has as essential properties those and only those properties which are positive Your cat will likely counter that no definition of the notion of “positive property” is supplied with the proof. At most, the various axioms which involve this concept can be taken to provide a partial implicit definition. Ignore this interruption and continue with Definitions 2 and 3. Your cat will yawn to discourage you and remind you that if a property belongs to the set, then its negation does…

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People we can safely dislike #3

People who see every natural disaster or world event as somehow intimately tied to themselves, and view their existence as the cause. You’re waiting in a huge line at an over-priced coffee chain. The person in front of you has spent the entire time complaining about how ridiculous the line is and how long everyone is taking to order. It’s finally that person’s turn. Like a deer in the headlights, they suddenly have no idea what they want and need to have each item described in detail. Twice. The guy who always has a story one better than you. No…

Mini Pinch

We've all played Slug Bug (or its bastard variant: Punch Buggy). The concept is simple. Spot a VW Beetle driving past, call it and its color out before your friend does, and punch them as hard as possible. Newer games have since arisen such as doing the ZZ Top arm swing every time a PT Cruiser goes past or flipping off Hummer drivers. Natalie and I propose a new game called Mini Pinch. See a Mini Cooper, yell Mini Pinch and pinch the person next to you. It's easy and very addictive, particularly if the person next to you has…

Note to self: 5,003

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