
  • Back tomorrow

    Apologies for not posting. I was stuck at Chicago O’Hare airport all night.

  • New look

    I guess I never did get around to updating this site’s appearance last year. There are of course, a few bugs, missing features and visual tweaks still. Safari is not displaying the comment editing buttons, but you can tell what they are by hovering your mouse over them. More new features to come over the week. Stay tuned…

  • Zzzzzzzz…

    Just in from a long flight. Today’s post will be late. :dead:

  • In the news

    I was reading in the news that Britney Spears finally pushed out a puppy. Preston Michael Spears. I fear for this child having the initials “PMS”, while his mother’s are “BS”.

  • Random thought

    My mother used to call me a fussbudget when I was being grumpy. I was always afraid to ask what exactly a “fussbudget” did, and how much their budget totaled.<

  • Note to Self: 5,335

    No matter how good the idea of a carbonated coffee drink sounds, do not use Perrier to make coffee again. I felt the hand of God reach down from the sky and smack the back of my head after that one.

  • Bastards

    There was a spamming attack on this site from midnight through 1am. Apologies to all who were unable to get through.

  • Sick of Hotmail?

    I have no more GMail invitations left for the any readers who’d like them. Please include your real email address if you want one.