
  • Stop it Bennie. I can’t breathe.

    Some days my pug’s gas is both lethal and plentiful. If I don’t finish this post, you’ll kn

  • I finally refreshed the look a bit. Yes, it’s the default Twenty Thirteen theme (with an original photo for the header), but the site needed a kick in the butt. I plan on updating the color scheme when I get time. Next month.

  • Fuck the duck

    Is it just me, or does anyone else wish that stupid Aflac duck died from his injuries? I hate those commercials!

  • Pet Translation

    I just realized that telling my dogs and cats, “I’m going out; be good” is translated in their minds as, “I’ll be gone long enough for you to hide the evidence of whatever you’re planning on destroying.”

  • And this is why we close HTML tags

    Holy crap. Kids, this is why we close HTML tags. Keep scrolling on this page. Courtesy of

  • Slowest drivers on the road

    IMO, slowest drivers on the road own:

    1. PT Cruiser
    2. Chrysler Pacifica
    3. Ford Flex


  • Not dead.

    Yes, I am writing a post. Up today. I promise.

  • 12:34:56

    I always seem to look at the clock when it turns 12:34, and frequently, 12:34:56. I don’t do this intentionally, nor do I wait for it to turn. it’s just a weird synchronicity thing. I asked several of my friends if they always seem to notice a certain time on the clock and I am alone on the sequential numbering; they all see 11:11. Jason told me that many people say you are to make a wish if you see 11:11.

    How about you? Do you always notice a certain time of the day on digital clocks?

  • Not dead.

    Ugh. Mucho apologies for my absence. I’ve been ill. Getting better. Writing some new posts. Up by midnight. morning Carry on without me.

  • Vacation

    In Miami for a few days to do some priestly work. If I get time, I will post. If not, catch you all Monday!

  • Post will be delayed

    By a few hours. Stayed up all night doing taxes.
    Hope to have something up by 9:30 AM EST. 🙂

  • I need your help

    Tell some jokes today. I got up at 3am yesterday for a day trip in and out of Washington, D.C. and it fried my brain. I got home in plenty of time to post, but I was dry. Nada. So please, entertain me. I need a recharge.