Banish Inadequacy

This is just… I don't know. I got nothing. Please sign my petition to get this evil product off the market. Just the thing for that next church picnic: Heavy Metal Belly Dancers! This man's head does not match hiis body. In fact, his head may not match anyone's body. [Link via Nikki] Llap Goch! Ancient Welsh martial art.

Is your date up to standard?

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has released its newest validator: Valid Date v1.0. No more will you have to worry if your date is a psycho or a mournful, misshapen freak. When your date is sporting the W3C Valid Date Button, you can rest assured they've passed the quality assurance testing and rigorous standards that make for a delightful evening.

Soy vey!

I missed an amazing photo opportunity today. I normally have an uncanny knack for being in the right place at the right time for photo weirdness, but not today. Picture if you will, a rusted and dilapidated Geo, lovingly, but not carefully, hand-painted to resemble a cow. A Holstein, I believe. On the side, a message: "I love my 40mph Geo". I am still unsure whether the writer actually meant 40mpg, or if this is in fact, the top speed attainable by this vehicle (and I use that term loosely). The other side was a true artistic vision. A hastily…