Complete this sentence #11

The Canadian Election Results are in and in a surprise victory, the __________ party won.

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  1. Beth

    Liberal Drunken Moose Party

  2. The Canadian Election Results are in and in a surprise victory, the second most evil party won.

    But as predicted they only managed to form a minority government. That can be very bad for them. They might actually have to make an effort to get people to agree with them.

    Me? I voted Independant. At least I’m going to be able to sleep well tonight.

  3. Spud

    The Canadian Election Results are in and in a
    surprise victory, the Party Hard Dudes won, an outgoing Gov spokesman
    was quoted as saying “This is not suprising considering the
    amount of money we spent on electoral gifts

  4. Hmmm, it seems that the question was altered, or I need sleep.

    When I first read it I was on the understanding that the party was winning something.

  5. The Canadian Election Results are in and in a surprise victory, the GUYS WITH NO NATURAL ICE party won.

    /still bitter over Tampa Bay winning the Stanley Cup

  6. ReV.JeLLyBaBY

    The Canadian Election Results are in and in a surprise victory, the Liberal Party lost its outright control of Parliament on Monday but easily won the largest share of seats and will now try to lead Canada’s first minority government in 25 years. Though dogged by scandal, and pressed by a newly unified Conservative Party, the Liberals prevailed by largely holding their ground in Ontario, the most populous province. Projections by the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. suggested the Liberals might win roughly 140 seats overall, short of the 155 needed to single-handedly control the House of Commons, but far more than 90 to 100 seats the Conservatives were projected to win. In Quebec, the Bloc Quebecois, which advocates independence for the French-speaking province, did well at the Liberals’ expense. The Bloc increased its share of Quebec’s 75 seats from 33 to more than 50. The final polls taken before the election suggested the Liberals and Conservatives were deadlocked, and many analysts had predicted the Conservatives would win the most seats. Thus the results, giving the Liberals a comfortable plurality, were a relief to Paul Martin, the 65-year-old Liberal leader who replaced Jean Chretien as prime minister last year. He had called the election five weeks ago, hoping the results would provide a solid mandate for his administration. The Liberals had won three straight landslide victories under Chretien, and there were signs during the campaign that many Canadians were disenchanted with the party and its recent entanglement in a financial scandal. However, the results suggested a widespread reluctance to turn over power to the Conservatives’ relatively untested leader, Stephen Harper, whose stances on tax cuts and social issues prompted concerns about unwelcome change. Most minority governments in Canada’s past have proven unstable and short-lived; the Liberals may try to govern with the assistance of the left-wing New Democratic Party. Although the Liberals and Conservatives had much in common — including support for the national health insurance system and reluctance to deploy troops in Iraq — there were some key differences. Harper wanted to slash taxes for the middle-class, increase the military ranks from 60,000 to 80,000 and pull Canada out of the Kyoto Protocol, which commits industrialized nations to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. Harper, 45, denied Liberal claims that he would seek restrictions on abortion, but he conveyed some doubts about Canada’s steady move toward legalization of same-sex marriage, which already is legal in three provinces.

    Party won. 👿

  7. Anna

    There has been a nasty slip-up (you should pay more attention Dave!). The text should read: The Canadian Election Results are in and in a surprise victory A party won.

  8. The Canadian Election Results are in and in a surprise victory, the tea party won.

  9. The Canadian Election Results are in and in a surprise victory, the English won.

    Coat, check. Hat, check. Door, open…

  10. Spud

    I thought they were funny 😯

    The Revs post sort of read :
    Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
    blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
    blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

    Perfect pollie speak


  11. ReV.JeLLyBaBY

    The Canadian Election Results are in and in a surprise victory, the “Muppetts with Maple leaves” party won.
    I personally couldn’t care less about it, as Canada sucks and so does politics. Besides, unless you are actually living there it really doesn’t matter who wins as the nation in question has the political profile of a small rainforest tribe that’s yet to be discovered.
    In fact I only bothered to write a comment because I think “Terrence and Philip” from South Park really do resemble and act like Canadians (except Natalie).
    Although I may not know what I am talking abooot!

    I think Canada should be dismembered due to lack of interest.


  12. ReV.JeLLyBaBY

    Canada is a REAL place isn’t it? Famous for it’s?
    Oh and lets not forget it’s? Oh and the?

    Face it Canada you suck and even your geese bugger off every year because they hate you guys so much!

  13. Cheap Date

    The Canadian Election Results are in and in a surprise victory, the toga party won.

  14. Esther

    The Canadian Election results are in, and in a surprise victory, the Tampon Liberation party won.

    ReV, bitter much? 😉

  15. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m somehow I’m sensing Rev doesn’t care for Canada.

  16. Charlie

    There was an election?

  17. moose

    The Canadian Election results are in and in a surprise victory, the LaBatt Bleue party won. The LaBatt Bear is the new PM of Canada.

  18. Esther

    Moose, does that mean less Moosehead beer? That’s ok, I drink mostly Heineken, anyhow.

  19. Icairus

    the “it’s nor even a real country anyway” party

  20. mikeB

    Face it Canada you suck and even your geese bugger off every year because they hate you guys so much!

    Always great to hear a comment like that coming from an (economically) third world nation like the UK. When you are in the top five best places on earth to live (Canada is #3) you can bitch all ya want, Rev. 😉

  21. The Canadian Election Results are in and in a surprise victory, the debutante party won.

  22. Cheap Date

    The Canadian Election Results are in and in a surprise victory, the Donner party won.


    Geez, I crack me up!!!

  23. Spud

    Canadians are great, we aussies love em to bits n pieces.

    Without them, who else would we beat at the commonwealth games?


  24. I vote for number 27 – the Donner Party! I’ve been trying

  25. Dave, I don’t like this Comment Box.

    to come up with an answer all day.

    Donner wins!

  26. …Marijuana party won.

    Not really, but they were on the ballot in my riding.

  27. The Canadian Election Results are in and in a surprise victory, the Republican party won.

    Blasphemy. I’m sorry, Mother. Where’s Knowlton Nash when you really need him?

    I’ll take Gardiner Westbound for 200 dollars (canadian), Alex.

    Isn’t Mulroney dead yet?

  28. ryan

    winning. The answer is winning.

  29. tokis

    the baath party are out of the running i guess?

  30. not in love

    the French Canadians won. The nation has severed all historical ties to the British Commonwealth and has declared herself a colony of France. Spontaneous roudy protests over the war in Iraq have broken out accross the nation. The United States has been reported to be increasing survalliance on it’s borders.

  31. The Canadian Election Results are in and in a surprise victory, the Porta party won.

  32. I Screw pigs

    :mrgreen::neutral::twisted::boobs::smile::cool::dead::evil::geek::grin::idea::java::kiss::limp::oops::razz::roll::wang::???::eek::lol::mad::sad::wtf::-(:-?:!: purty symbols =)

  33. I Screw pigs


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