PML 1.0 Specification

WARNING: Extreme geek humor ahead PML (Porno Markup Language), a pornographic computer language specification proposed by DL Byron is nearly ready for release by the W3C. The specifications are as follows: Latest version: Previous version: Editor: DL Byron Contributors: Davezilla W3C Jerking Draft 30 June 2005 PML is a general-porno markup language designed for representing the sex industry for a wide range of perversions across the World Wide Web. To this end it does not attempt to be all things to all people, supplying every possible kinky jerkoff idiom, but to supply a generally useful set of naughty…

Top ten ways to annoy your coworkers

Send company layoff emails from their desk while they are away at lunch. Eat other coworkers' lunch. Frame your coworker by leaving a trail of crumbs to their desk and put the leftovers in their wastepaper basket. Piranhas in the water cooler. Apply for a job with the competition under your coworker's name and have all correspondence sent to the front desk. Change their password while they are on vacation. Make no attempt to memorize the new one. Use up all the ink in their pens and put back in the drawer or pencil holder exactly where they were. Add…

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The truth behind FUPA

FUPA Acronym for "Fat Upper Pubic Area"; common misinterpretations include "Fat Upper Pussy Area," "Fat Upper Penile Area" and "Farting Under Pelicans Asses." Also, often confused with FUBU, an overpriced brand of clothes that suburban caucasian adolescent males wear to impress suburban caucasian females who associate the clothing with large genitalia. From the Urban Dictionary OK, we've all seen FUPA before. It's not a new phenomenon. What is new to me is seeing skinny women with FUPA. How is that possible? I suspect, and follow me on this, that FUPA may not be a ring of fat, after all. I…

Pickup lines that suck

"I suppose a lot of men stare at your tits, huh?" "You like cartoon rabbits, too? I like dressing up as one in bed." "That's a really sexy bra. I stole one just like that from my neighbor's clothesline." "Lemme have a few more beers first so you look pretty." "That's a hot dress. Makes you kind of look like a hooker. Wait, you're not a cop, are you?" "You remind of someone. My frat brother, Gunther. Man, could he put away the beer!" "I really wish they'd rerun BJ and the Bear. I could be watching that while you…

Unlikely pizza toppings

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Lose your lunch Friday

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How to speak in account rep

When they say, "The client wants to move in a new direction…" They mean, "I want to move in a new direction…" When they say, "The client believes your idea may be detrimental to their business." They mean, "I have no idea what your idea means. Does it have like, science or something?" When they say, "The client still hasn't come to a decision on that yet." They mean, "I forgot to call the client. Again." When they say, "This is a rush project." They mean, "I just found this folder behind my desk. It's been there since last September."…

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Note to Self, No. 5,602

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Top ten worst things about summer

Finding Earwigs in your shoes Discovering how many of your neighbors and coworkers eschew deoderant. Realizing your neighbors have turned into Earwigs. Smelling year-old grease burning on your neighbour's barbecue. Realizing it's not grease; they're grilling Earwigs. Seeing a sexy woman adjusting her Daisy Dukes from behind and realizing she's actually a man. Trying your mother's potato salad at a picnic, tasting a bad piece of potato and discovering it's an Earwig. Seeing your next-door neighbor stripping out of her flimsy tank top and sitting naked on the balcony. She's built like John Goodman. Watching your air conditioner die on…

I’ve always hoped it to be true

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