Note to Self, No. 5,605

The Bob

Do not get into a conversation with this man ever again.

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Show 23 Comments


  1. I dunno day, it’s the numbering system you use. Is that base 69 or sumpin?

    Oh, and the guy looks like a classic coupon clipper (see shirt pocket).

    These people believe themselves experts in all fields because they manage to find the WENDY’s hamburger coupon every week in the Sunday Paper

  2. And as for SPRAY-ON MUD, I am so sorry, but you yanks are just too uncivilized for such a high class product. You’d be spraying this stuff over scantily clad women and your neighbour’s cat before too long.

    I’m afraid it will only be available in Canada and (illegal) Internet Spray On Mud Stores will be soon sending spam to us all.

    Does your mud spray out in dribbles?
    Now! your M!UD can be as SLICK as she wants!
    LEGAL MUDS: Canadian mud-spray! DEALZ

  3. Who is this “Bob” (if that is his real name) anyway?

  4. Darrell

    Yes, we know. We’ve ALL had conversations with him.

  5. Numbering system? Are you referring to the Note to Self numbers, rust? If I posted every stupid thing I did, that’s all this site would consist of. 😳

  6. Anonymous

    Crazy cats…

  7. I think Rust is confused by the 5,6005. Is that new math?

  8. Nicholle

    Who is this man that I should fear conversing with?

    And wouldn’t it be easier and cheaper to just go out and get some real mud?

  9. Ernest Von Yungler

    Good question Nicholle, plus, is that number, in any way related to the third base figure with relation to the perpetual movement along its transient apogee but not forgetting Einhemmlers 4th rule of natural thermodynamics which states that “…in extreme cases, it is required…” this statement may be used in a variety of situations to further an argument either for or against the motion.

  10. Is he reading The Design of Everyday Things? I’m sure he had plenty of tidbits to share from there.

  11. HEY! Change the number BACK!!

    It’s tons more funky the old way.

  12. Just trying to keep you on your toes, rust. 😈
    Good eye, wookiee. He snatched my copy out of my hands and began reading it and commenting on all manner of unrelated effluvia.

  13. When i used to work at the bookstore, i had many captive ‘conversations’ with this guy. Now when i see him i RUN AWAY!

  14. OMG, Juana. I can’t imagine being trapped behind a counter with him rambling on all day. :dead:

  15. I bet he didn’t even notice when you whipped out your camera and started taking pictures.:wtf:

  16. No, he sure didn’t. Bob is extremely near-sighted and doesn’t believe in (or is too cheap too purchase) glasses. He cannot see more than 3 or 4″ in front of his face clearly. :wtf:

  17. looks like he might of talked himself to sleep. 🙄

  18. Tony

    Is that one of those downtown RO dwellers? I’ll bet he’s got some good ideas written in his hobo-notebook.

  19. I wish it waas more evident in the picture, but both of his shirt pockets are stretched to the ripping point. Chock full o’ index cards with scribbled notes.

  20. jeez I love your blog. I don’t always understand it, but I still love it.

    Upon checking out this image on Flikr, I noticed someone hiding in the background behind some furniture. Is that someone escaping from Bob?

  21. Bob takes notes about EVERYthing. That’s one of the scary things about conversing with him. He might take notes…

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