I have not forgotten you

Just unbelievably busy with work these past two weeks and transitioning files to a new laptop. Should be back to normal posting tonight as I have been collecting images and thoughts for posts. Try not to break anything in the meantime. :evil:

VP Debate Drinking Rules

Tonight is the debate between Vice Presidential nominees, Sarah Palin (R) and Joe Biden (D). It promises to be a bloodbath. Let's all establish some drinking rules. Please add any I've missed: Debate Drinking Rule #1: 1 beer every time they interrupt each other. Debate Drinking Rule #2: 1 beer every time she mentions hockey, lipstick or pitbulls Debate Drinking Rule #3: 1 beer every time Biden's eyebrows grow exponentially wider Debate Drinking Rule #4: 1 beer every time Biden accuses Palin of smoking crack Debate Drinking Rule #5: 3 beers every time McCain butts in and answers for Palin…


Me: "May I have a cup of corn chowder with that?" Waitress: "We don't have the chowder today. We have Chili and Gumbolaya." Me: "Gumbo-laya? Did you mean Gumbo or Jambalaya?" Waitress: "Yes, Gumbolaya." [Lizz stares across the table at me, wide-eyed] Me: "OK, I'll try some, if only to see what it is." [Waitress brings a cup of what is clearly just gumbo.] Waitress: "How's that Gumbolaya tasting?" Me: "A lot like gumbo."


This picture, which originally appeared on I CAN HAS CHEEZEBURGER?, is now in the book of the same name! Go me Jade. Just got my copy in the mail today. Jade thinks it is a work of great historical importance. She may be right.

Isn’t Work Fun?

Crossing the casino floor (I'm legally prevented from saying which one by a NDA so profound I can't even comment if it's on this planet, let alone something as simple as it's name) is like wandering through a menagerie of Darwinism (indeed, and participants in the Darwin Awards). Though the dude sucking back the eighteen pound hamburger pictured above has never hopped on his electrified fat-mobile and zoomed through the double-wide front doors to drop a few bucks before eating himself into a grease-coma, more than a few of our 'guests' (we don't call them customers because apparently they feel…

The reason for the high gas prices

So I came across a very interesting post on a forum recently. I defy you to make sense of it.

“The reason for the high gas prices is to force people not to travel very much and stay in their locale. Due to the fact that the Purebred Reptilian race that lives in the hollow part of the earth are trying to come to the surface. The 13 Bloodlines that rule this earth and are each given section of continents of Earth to rule over are scared of their own people the Pure Bred Reptilians who are pissed off at the 13 bloodlines failure to capture this planet for the Draco Empire. Mainly in the news mine collapses and always fires out in the California and the western area to keep people from seeing these creatures as they come to the surface. Their have also been Caves closed to the Public due to their entryway into the hollow earth area where the Purebred Reptilains been seen and their have been many battles underground by these Purebreds trying to get to the surface to take immediate control. Chemtrails are also being used to target these Purebreds genetics and eliminate them.

I can take a hint

The first day of the redesign, so many of you wrote to me with compliments that I was really happy I'd done it. Since then, I've had several complaints from more readers about several aspects of the site, primarily being able to see the entire post on the homepage and how many comments there were. So I am giving in and going back to the old layout, but with some back-end tweaks to make things better. On another note, please excuse my absences lately. I've been diagnosed with colon cancer and have been in the hospital a bit. I've decided…

So you’ve noticed some changes

And no, I am not done. This is a work in progress. I still have several tweaks to make, features to add and suggestions to implement. Trish gave me a great suggestion last night that I will definitely be adding: making this featured article appear in its entirety on the homepage, rather than having to click through. I also plan to add back in the quoting function (currently it's not compatible with what I have, so I have some PHP to write). I will be adding polls again A whole new set of smilies to add to your comments How…

Announcing a change to Davezilla

Fourteen years is a long time to run a website and this site has gone through many changes over the years. As my job changed, so have my priorities. I'd like to see the site head in a more positive, mature direction, so from now on, the main focus of the site will no long be humor, but instead some more uplifting, wholesome subjects closer to my heart like eBay auctions and Facebook apps. I hope you welcome the changes.