This picture, which originally appeared on I CAN HAS CHEEZEBURGER?, is now in the book of the same name! Go me Jade. Just got my copy in the mail today. Jade thinks it is a work of great historical importance. She may be right.
This picture, which originally appeared on I CAN HAS CHEEZEBURGER?, is now in the book of the same name! Go me Jade. Just got my copy in the mail today. Jade thinks it is a work of great historical importance. She may be right.
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Proof positive that it’s just too easy to find pussy on your computer…
I’z lik to read it! 😛
what the hell is he doing on a mac? the cat should claw his :limp: off for stupidity…sorry mac hater 👿
[quote comment=”415813″]DOGS R EVIL! CATS R KULE! BIRDZ R GOOD (2 EAT). FISH TASET LYKE CHIKIN[/quote]
you missed the fact that dog tastes good, and alligator tastes like chicken, not fish depending on the fish you’ve been eating :thong:
LOL! Dave ur lolcat is one of my personal favorites! Thanks for being a sport!
The rezults of typing under the influence of pussy, is it a bad thing ? 😯 :wang:
My cat can type with all four paws. Not very good,but she types.
Searching for kitty porn?
Grim, did you miss the fact that there’s a CAT’S PAW assisting the word processing? Do you think cats eat dogs, or alligators? Stay up with us. Comedy is all about timing. Wear a cup, life is hard.
You’re one talented, creative motherfucker aren’t you? 😛 :kiss:
[quote comment=”416038″]You’re one talented, creative motherfucker aren’t you?
😛 :kiss:[/quote]
Best. Compliment. Evar.
Soooooo very true!
Stop pussy footing about… :geek:
Wait, you took this pic? And it’s in the book? That’s sweet!
Fluffy is waiting in high anticipaton for his copy!
[quote comment=”416044″]Wait, you took this pic? And it’s in the book? That’s sweet![/quote]
Yes, indeed. My hand, my laptop, Jade’s paw. She enjoys typing and attempting to dial. Thankfully my Treo stumps her. Keys are too small.
You must have trained her well to concentrate on the keyboard and not just chase after the mouse.
I am too awestruck to make a witty riposte.
I figured you boys like seeing butts. So this is a real true beaut.