This is Idaho

Idaho Redneck

Image via Heidi W.


17 responses to “This is Idaho”

  1. pablo Avatar

    Got to put the toys on the roof to fit the beer inside.

  2. Drusky Avatar

    Every boat should have a life raft…

  3. Drusky Avatar

    Why you shouldn’t mix drinking and atv-ing. Clem was having the ride of his life with Billy Bob at the wheel of Ma’s LTD before the low telephone wires… 😈

  4. Meagan Avatar

    Better not pop a wheelie… 😯

    Whoa! New icons! 😉 But where’d the boobies and wangs go?

  5. Amanda R. Avatar
    Amanda R.

    Dimple Doll = 👿

  6. tomsparks Avatar

    They can’t be that stupid,they got it up there. I’d like to be there when they bring it down.

  7. Bill Avatar

    Perfect example of why blood relatives shouldn’t be allowed to breed ❗

  8. patrick Avatar

    I’d say the driver of the wagon pulled up about eight feet too late at that last stop light! The driver of the ATV is laying in the intersection even as we speak wondering WTF just happened!

  9. Davezilla Avatar

    [Comment ID #395567 will appear here]

    These are actually the old icons (finally upgraded my WordPress and it reset the icons to the default ones). The Zilla-fied ones will be back soon. Actually thinking of drawing all new ones, based on suggestions I’ve gotten this year.

  10. Cobe Avatar

    u da ho

  11. Nicolette Avatar

    WTF? What happened to the site?? Did I drop off into another universe?? What kind of an idiot puts an ATV on the roof of an anchient station wagon??

    I bet it’s stolen.

  12. Nicolette Avatar

    And where, for fucks sake, is the blog roll??
    (cause you know us Zilla-girls will do anything for a fuck!) 😉

  13. Spud Avatar

    Um, I looked away for a short while and WTF HAPPENED HERE!…

  14. Davezilla Avatar

    The blogroll, the emoticons and quoting will return. Just messing with a new layout that gives me more flexibility. 8)

  15. Davezilla Avatar

    Blogroll is back. 😀

  16. Stevie C Avatar

    Flexibility is good 😉

  17. Drusky Avatar

    Nicolette got more than our attention with: And where, for fucks sake, is the blog roll?? (cause you know us Zilla-girls will do anything for a fuck!)

    That’s what helps us ZillaBoys thru the day (and night! :wang: )