I will take up two parking spaces. Deal with it.

I will take up two parking spaces. Deal with it.

This post originally appeared on Medium Thoughts on parking etiquette from an utter douchebag. Fellow Driver, I know I took up two parking spaces leaving you circling the lot like a Perrigine Falcon whose prey has mysteriously escaped. I know you’re probably cursing my name and wishing it was legal to ram my Hummer H2 with the “Take Back America—Tea Party 2012” bumper sticker, but you won’t. I’m counting on it. Why? Because unlike myself, you possess manners—a social skill I am blissfully unaware of. You see, I am what is referred to in the vernacular as a douchebag and…

Screw Tumblr. I’m back.

Thought it was more fun to post quickly to Tumblr, but it's not fun to write on Tumblr and I have been itching to write again. And take my own pictures again, instead of reposting others images. With that, I give you this d-bag who decided to park in a no parking spot in front of the local Pei Wei.