Collective Nouns for Web 2.0
Back in the Middle Ages, knowing what collective noun was applied to a group of animals was taken quite seriously. We all know the common ones, such as herd of cows, a pack of dogs, a flock of birds, but there were plenty of obscure ones like an exaltation of larks, a murder of crows, a shrewdness of apes, etc. Time for some new collective nouns for Internet groupings. If a group of whales is a pod, is a group of teenagers an iPod? A nuisance of 4Chan members A nest of Tweeple (Twitter users) A channel of YouTube watchers…
How to Speak Waiter
"I made this drink special for you. It has a unique, subtle flavor.""I've added a toxic cleaning chemical to poison you. Can you guess what it is before the EMT arrives?" "May I take this out of your way?""You selfish bastard. You're taking up a table for four by yourself during our dinner rush. I will continue to remove things until it soaks through your proto-hominid skull that you're not wanted." "How is everything tasting?""I don't give a shit how my service is, so I won't ask you about it." "Small, medium or large?""Just choose the large, fat-ass." "Would you…
Caitlynn is now single
Is it deer season already?
Image via Mandy L.
Caption Time #294
Apparently it's gross out day on Davezilla. The photo, link and video are all going to make you queasy.
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