Note to Self: 5,139

Let us assume from here on out that when silverware must be pried from a table, it’s time to wipe the table.

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Show 23 Comments


  1. Gimme a break, Davezilla. That wasn’t my dining room table. That’s my modern art. It’s supposed to be like that.

  2. 33rd Degree Mason

    There is no :undies:

  3. Esther

    There definitely were no :undies:, or any :boxers:, for that matter, if things are sticking to the table.:neutral:

    Ok, now that I’ve made myself sick, it’s time to go ingest a bottle of Tums.

  4. God

    Never assume anything.

    It only makes an ass out of you and me.

    All Hail!

  5. Kenn

    You tell that waitress! :wtf:

  6. Anna

    Well, at least you can’t loose your silverware. They’re always handy and right were you want them. So why would you want to clean anything?

  7. Spud

    Well, I am personally glad you brought this matter to our attention daveidge.

    Dirty spooning should be outlawed, preferably in our lifetimes.

    However, having said the above, I am a firm believer that a slightly soiled spoon means a couple of things…

    Namely :-
    1. The item has been used before, therefore it would be okay to assume that it is safe to use.

    2. Slightly soiled tableware indicates a massive turnover of customers, once again re-inforcing the belief that the food must be good, therefore a great place to eat.

    move along


  8. Mandy

    If there’s :undies: on the table, they’re not mine!

  9. JD

    What the heck were you doing on that table!? :wang:

  10. frisko

    The gnomes under the sofa cemented the cuttlery after they finished hunting the dust bunnies.

    Rotten bastards!

  11. Before wiping the table, it may be a good idea to go down to the local CANADIAN TIRE store and buy some MASTERCRAFT© tools to prepare properly the surface…

  12. Wow, Rust. Natalie and I have an ongoing joke about Canadian Tire (I hate the bearded guy in their TV ads). 😆

  13. the bearded guy? the one on the CANADIAN TIRE money?

    Sorry, we don’t get TV here in Southern hemisphere. (something about coriolis forces and the Aurora Australis)

  14. I stand corrected: TED SIMONETTE is the Canadian Tire Guy. TRIVIA: Simonette played opposite London and DeForrest Kelley in an episode of “The Littlest Hobo

  15. The guy in the Canadian Tire ads?? Noooo, it’s the woman who is such an irritating witch…laughing as the guy’s water jug rolls down the road, playing her boring video during the camping trip, taking off on the four wheeler when the husband had planned to…:mad:

    She’s worse than the wife on Everybody Loves Raymond. 👿

    Thank you for allowing me to vent. 😈

  16. Mandy

    This tire boy sounds scary. What’s his deal? 😐

  17. CJ

    Tireboy and Recapman. Wow that brings back memories. :wtf:

  18. Kirk

    Another reason I always use disposable silverware, plates, glasses.

    Canadian Tires…???? Are they cheaper than American Tires? Like the Canadian Drugs?

    Just wondering as well…where does Dave keep his notes to himself….on the fridge with Post It Notes?????

  19. No, I keep them, stored on a Web site called Maybe you’ve heard of it.

  20. freddyaudiophile


    Hey! Don’t insult the bearded dude on the Canadian Tire commercials! He is my uncle…

    And, don’t forget… the silverware would not stick to the table if it wasn’t for the velcro table cloth!

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