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Show 26 Comments


  1. Lord Satan

    :evil:Dave you have a mind I like!:twisted:

    I am getting a :wang: just watching your site. Oops – it, :thong:, came off my woman. See you around baby!

  2. Esther

    How about “I brake for 404 Errors!”?:lol:

  3. God

    Lead me not into temptation, I can find it myself.

    Praise me!

  4. God

    Don’t Make Me Come Down There!


  5. God

    The Big Bang theory:
    And God said ‘Pulleth my Finger’

    I can do that sort of thing.

    Praise Me!

  6. Spud


    Pillage first
    then burn!


  7. Esther

    What a very odd thread, so far. Time to break out the popcorn, sit back and enjoy. 😀

  8. Sam

    Frodo has failed
    Bush has the ring


  9. Jessica

    I am not playing with myself
    I’m adjusting my jewellery


  10. Hic



  11. Brutus


  12. (Puts on goggles and sits next to Esther)

  13. Mandy

    You have to be an honor student to be a cam whore? Nice to see what “no child left behind” has gotten us. 😛

  14. Spud



  15. frisko

    “I don’t like bumper stickers” gets my vote

  16. Esther

    Hey Nikki, pass the chips, please.

  17. Kirk

    iPod-en, The Expression!

    Sorry, God did not bless me today, so I have limited creativity.

  18. Kirk

    From George Carlin’s “Modern Man” I like…”I’m a high-tech low life. A cutting-edge, state of the art, bi-coastal multi-tasker, and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond.” (Taken from his book: WHEN WILL JESUS BRING THE PORK CHOPS?)

  19. I <3 JAKOB

    Save GAS, put ZELDMAN in a JAR


    and of course,

  20. mikeB

    I :wang: geeks

  21. Lace Valentine

    My link farked up your honor roll website.


  22. mikeB

    Link broken; watch for finger.

  23. Lurker Tim

    Where can I get me one of them cam whores? :wang:

  24. Kenn

    Funny you should run this… the bumper sticker on my car reads “I’d Rather Be Blogging”

Comments are closed