Category: Observations
DIY Hints You Should Probably Ignore
- Need to liven up the office Xmas party? Photoshop your coworkers’ heads into pictures from questionable websites and you’ve got a slideshow everyone will be talking about!
- Use Strontium-90 to soothe a colicky baby.
- Old Ethernet cables make great leashes for the elderly!
- Use “Swiffer” sheets to quickly erase your sibling’s homework.
- Worried about what your kids are texting? Change all the phone numbers of their besties in their phone’s contact list to the local police’s number. Hilarity ensues.
- Rub butter on a sunburned, old man to roast him faster.
- Use a roll of tin foil to silence a nosy neighbor.
- Never a cop when you need one? Aim a laser pointer in his eye to quickly get his attention.
- Can’t afford the high cost of a sitter or au pair? Duct tape and a heavy chair will work wonders.
- Need to clear an aisle in a store quickly? Spray WD-40 (or spray cooking oil) on the floor and count to three.
What’s Your Deepest Fear?
Out with it. What’s your deepest, darkest fear? Turns out, I have quite a few. Here’s my top ten:
Given a life sentence in a prison populated by mimes and clowns.
- Rosie O’Donnell runs for president in 2016. She takes Sarah Palin as VP in a surprise move. They call it the She Party, win by a slim margin and force every man in America to become cross-dressing house slaves.
- A global crop disease leaves the earth with only figs to eat.
- Cats evolve opposable thumbs and take over the Illuminati.
- Gauchos, Crocs, Jeggings, prison pants and skorts become mandatory school uniforms for children.
- The Furby Funding Bill is passed. The system goes on-line August 4th, 2013. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Furby begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug.
- Honey BooBoo’s Mama June is made president of Time-Warner Cable. Changes all televised entertainment to be “in her language.”
- One of my sisters marries into the Romney family.
So what are your deepest fears?
What I Learned About Italians from 10 Days in Naples
- Their local motto is, “If you can drive in Napoli, you can drive in Hell.”
- At the outdoor cafés, pigeons are smarter than waiters.
- The pizza really is 10 times better.
- Pulcinella is either good luck, bad luck, an evil clown or a sex god, depending on whom you ask.
- Napoli is full of budding Banksys.
- Stone-washed jeans are still alive and well in Southern Italy.
- Children not only openly use professional grade fireworks in the streets, they are encouraged to do so by adults.
- Texting while driving gives you the right of way.
Slowest drivers on the road
IMO, slowest drivers on the road own:
- PT Cruiser
- Chrysler Pacifica
- Ford Flex
My Embarassing Dream Soundtracks
As I’ve written about before, I remember most of my dreams, which isn’t so bad, but they always have a soundtrack. A bad one. Usually a short section of a song or jingle that repeats throughout the dream like a broken record. Ninety percent of the time, it’s a musical genre I would not listen to, willingly.
Worse, I wake up with the song replaying in my head. This morning, it was Olivia Newton John’s Xanadu. Here’s some of the more revolting ones from this month.
- The theme music from HGTV’s Love It or List It
- Shakira’s Hips Don’t Lie
- Guns and Roses’ Welcome to the Jungle (While not a fan, this is the least miserable)
- He-Man Masters of the Universe soundtrack (fortunately, the Juno Reactor version, which is actually cool)
- Almost every Free Credit Report dot com jingle
- Alanis Morrisette’s Ironic, blecch.
- Love in an Elevator by Aerosmith. Just couldn’t be a cool Aerosmith song like Sweet Emotion or Back in the Saddle. I hate ‘Elevator’.
Does this happen to you? Please tell me I’m not the only one experiencing this.
More Terrifying Dance Moves from the ’70s
I should make this a regular Friday feature. I’ve found dozens of these.
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