Thass how I roll!


26 responses to “Thass how I roll!”

  1. Bigwavdave Avatar

    1) Great tan…
    2) One of the world’s greatest oboe players…
    3) You’re going to be very popular in prison…

  2. Maven Avatar

    I am banking heavily on some time in the future, hosebags like the one depicted with his man-pout, will have to explain to their son or grandson why he looks like a freak. Srsly. WTF is up with this look?

  3. bellalunastellar Avatar

    ❗ the perfect poster boy for anti manscaping… too pretty to be a real thug… barbie’s illegitamate son

  4. Meagan Avatar

    No, no, no. You stop, drop, THEN roll. Must’ve gotten second-degree burns you got there. 😯

  5. J Avatar

    Nice orange tan

  6. bellalunastellar Avatar

    bet the bling is as real as the tan

  7. rust Avatar

    I want a beard, just like his! He is SO KEWL.


  8. Mandy Avatar

    She should really consider waxing her facial hair

  9. Da Popster Avatar
    Da Popster

    What IS it ? 😯

  10. tinamarie Avatar


  11. julesOdeNile Avatar

    i bet what’s not in the picture is her Lesbo lover going at it like mad. that’s her “i’m getting thereeee!” face ❗
    nice beard cut miss, they kept it tight ❗
    in your deep soft eyes i can see “thug life” inscribed ❗
    peace out Coco ❗

  12. julesOdeNile Avatar

    “mommy!, mommy! look!.. am thugged out biatch! now go make me those nice whole bran cookies i love so much…”

  13. Spud Avatar

    Gods gift to women.



  14. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Heyho, looks like the International Manga Convention is in Hawaii this year.

  15. Drusky Avatar

    Let’s see… Darkened face, burned hair, big pucker… looks like he’s fresh from suck starting a diesel… 😈

  16. Nicolette Avatar

    He looks like Agador from “The Birdcage”.

  17. Patrick Avatar

    Proof positive that conjugal visits should have some parameters!

  18. fruf Avatar

    Whats wrong with this picture?
    Hair band to keep his gelled hair up
    fake orange tan
    kissey pouty look
    dorkey line beard
    fake jewellery
    OMG it’s either Paris Hilton or ????????

  19. J Avatar

    A reject from Yu-Gi -Oh

  20. junkman Avatar

    is that a shaved landing strip on this douche bag or just a more dense band of freckles?

  21. Bec Avatar

    Back away from the spray tans…
    Don’t drop the soap… 😯

  22. Lung the Younger Avatar


  23. Drusky Avatar

    This is you on meth just after the pipe blows up right in your face.


    This is why you should show restraint when blowing the foam off your Starbucks Latte’.

  24. Stefanie Avatar


    The new Androgynous Chia Pet–just in time for Christmas!!


  25. dwasn Avatar

    Kind of looks like Corey Haim….now, if I could just figure out how to put the two side-by-side to compare.

  26. Timm Avatar

    Thass how you roll??? Well, please roll away, somewhere else.