Story Problem

If Tom has three times as many testicles as Susan, and Susan has one-fourth as many ovaries as Joe, how many BBQ ribs does Mary have, if she has two more Ouija Boards than Tom?


30 responses to “Story Problem”

  1. Sir Osiss Avatar
    Sir Osiss

    Easy. Sheesh.
    3.78³ Ribs over Πr² divided by ¾ Ouija Board.

    Of course, that is with the proviso that Tom, Susan, Joe and Mary all all transplanted Inuits, if not, then there is no way to tell and this is a trick question!

  2. Moose Avatar

    Shoot, that makes more sense than most of them. Which probably explains why the math portion of my SAT indicates that I have the intelligence of an Ouija-less earthworm.

  3. Spud Avatar

    Uncanny Mr Zilla, I was thinking of this equation just the other day…

    as in

    Bobby has 2 lemons, Jane has 6, the both left home at 6.45am, Bobby travelled in a easterly direction for 3 miles and Jane travelled westerly fo 15 miles.

    How many pizzas would it take for Bobby to meet Jane 5 miles from where he started if he was wearing an orange parka?

    damn home schooling

  4. Sylvia Avatar

    Oh…yeah and the Higher Maths equivalent problem:

    If a woodchuck could chuck wood
    Then a woodchuch would chuck wood
    So how much wood would a woodchuck chuck
    If a woodchuck could chuck wood

  5. chzplz Avatar

    Ah, now that depends on if you’re at the Turkey Testicle Festival, doesn’t it?
    and don’t miss their theme song
    “you’re sure to have a ball…”

  6. Tami Jo Avatar

    Can I go to the office? 😕

  7. Mom Avatar

    Call home for the answer

  8. theMike Avatar

    396, definately 396

  9. Nikki Avatar

    I failed this question. ❗

  10. Spud Avatar

    The correct number is 666


  11. einstoned Avatar

    no soap, radio. The more you jump, the higher. Liver. C’mon!

  12. Nina Avatar

    😕 So Tom has no testies…Susan is only a quarter of the woman she used to be…and Joe is a she male? I’d have to say…

    (no testies X 1/4 of woman X a she male)divided by four quija boards = A whole lotta ribs! 😆

  13. Paige Avatar

    Joe has ovaries?????????????????:limp:

  14. Paige Avatar

    Susan has testicles????????????:wang:

  15. babybetty Avatar

    i would like to phone a friend, Regis

  16. larfus Avatar

    I will pass 😳

  17. Darrell Avatar

    Dude…That’s some good shit…

  18. rust Avatar

    The answer, as always is 42.

    And obviously, she has spare ribs, so let’s all go and pig out while the out-pigging is good.

  19. Sir Osiss Avatar
    Sir Osiss

    So THATS the question! 42 indeed! Natalie & Rust made me spew my beverage, so Davezilla, you are doing your job!

  20. Natasha Avatar

    Easy, they all have zero gonads, and I’m not sure if there’s even one brain between them all. Oh, we weren’t counting brains, were we?

  21. dougieace Avatar


  22. Stephanie Avatar

    Tom has more balls than Susan, but Joe is a bigger pussy than Susan. Mary has the most balls because she has more ouija boards than Tom, so she gets ALL the BBQ ribs. Mary killed Tom, Susan, and Joe and had herself six racks of ribs. Mary’s got balls of steel (which she used to knock each of the others out as she crept from behind them).

  23. Sir Osiss Avatar
    Sir Osiss


    You scare me… 😈

    and I kinda like it! :wtf:

  24. Stephanie Avatar

    Thank you, I try.

  25. comfortablynumber Avatar

    I bet the answer is an ODD number?:grin:

  26. Lizzie Avatar


  27. hippychick576 Avatar

    Stephanie, you are the queen of equations. Bravo! 😕

  28. Mikel Avatar

    A clear case of apples and oranges.

  29. Esther Avatar

    I am so not good with math.:dead: