Several pricks

An elementary school class started a class project to make a planter to take home to their parents. They wanted to have a plant in it that was easy to take care of, so they decided to use cactus plants. The students were given green ware pottery planters in the shape of a clown, which they
painted with glaze. The clown planters were professionally fired at a class outing so they could see the process.

It was great fun. They planted cactus seeds in the finished planters and they grew nicely but unfortunately the children were not allowed to take them home…the cactus plants were removed and small ivy replaced them and the children were then allowed to take them home instead. The teacher said cactus seemed like a good idea at the time…

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Show 19 Comments


  1. I’m feeling a little thorny today. 😛

  2. mikeB

    I had no idae you had such a sharp sense of humor, kismet.

  3. Esther

    How do they all pile into the tiny car with those things?:twisted:

  4. Hobbit

    That’s been proven fake.

    Also, if it is a school, the school isn’t all that well off. Just look at the background. :limp:

  5. SomethingWitty

    Hey, fake or not, it still looks hilarious.

  6. Spud

    Bloody hilarious…

    what other “ordinary” ornaments/pots could be done, better yet what famous gardens around the world have these themes but nobody notices?


  7. Spud


    I’m thinking on a large scale here, gi-normous even.


  8. Further proof that absolutely no good can come of clowns.
    They must all be destroyed.

  9. Mandy

    ditto Nikki :kiss:

    Biker Fox looks like a total asshole. :limp:

  10. Poofles

    They don’t look very happy about being clowns with prickly pricks. :wtf:

  11. ariel

    biker fox :limp:

  12. Esther

    Biker Fox was so not what I was expecting. *shudder* :dead:

  13. anon

    My BF looked like that this morning. Stood around with his dick out and bad clothes on expecting to get some. :limp:

  14. Kirk

    So that is where we get the word PRICK ! :wang:

  15. It’s so funny to see a picture of so many of them! I should have known what was coming as soon as you said the planters were clown planters ‘cuz I actually owned one of these! A flea market in the next town also had them for sale for awhile. Hysterical! :kiss: (And where the hell did you get these smilies??? Too funny!)

  16. Thanks, drew them myself. (well, four of them are default with WordPress. The rest are all me):mrgreen:

  17. Tom

    :mrgreen: lol, that’s great! 🙂 Who cares about the dodgy background :roll:…

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