Overheard: Delicious-Sounding Tea Edition

On Saturday, I ate lunch at one of my favorite local Lebanese restaurants. My waitress was a lovely, young Korean woman who was adjusting to being leered at by her male coworkers. This was the opening coversation:

“This is day of training, number of two. I am not used to the system of computer here. Do not worry, though. I have computered at another restaurant before. I hope your tea is as delicious as it sounds.”

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Show 45 Comments


  1. Spud

    Good thing she doesn’t get system of down.

    And um, the bible link thingo, I can only think of one word to describe it.



  2. Becky

    Yum…….er ah okaaay 💡

  3. Becky

    Damm that bible website thingie hurts your eyes…………geez. 🙁

  4. mitch

    A Korean waitress in a Lebanese restraurant? Didn’t that tip you off, Dave, that all might not be right in this particular Universe. I hope that she was truly beautiful and that the soup was worth the cosmic upheaval you caused.
    I love Fran.

  5. Mandy

    Same guy:
    This Page is about Pet Diarrhea and Constipation for Cats and Dogs.
    It is a tough problem with a cat
    or a dog.
    This page is a compendium of articles written about cat and dog feces and defecating problems. :wtf:

  6. bob

    Did she drive a german car and love french food?

  7. [Comment ID #34674 will be quoted here]

    mitch. Royal Oak is its own universe. It’s like Twin Peaks.

    You love Fran.

  8. Peaches

    I had never thought of the word “tea” as sounding delicious………….you know, like “ambrosia” sounds delicious, but tea?

    I just hope the tea was fragrant.

  9. Anna

    This is regular foreigner speak, so what’s the problem? It might even sound a smidge sexy. :thong:
    She speaks a lot gooder engrish than some Americans I know.

  10. Not really poking fun at her. I thought it was kinda cute, actually.

  11. Duke

    So what did the tea sound like

  12. I like how everyone’s going to pretend they’ve never computered before.

  13. Ron

    Did she write the menu from yesterday? 😆

  14. [Comment ID #34851 will be quoted here]

    Yeah, but did she have a cute ass?

  15. Master Solace

    So what was she smoking to start hearing things from your tea…to wonder if it is delicious as it sounds

  16. Master Solace

    sorry I have nothing

  17. Peaches

    [Comment ID #35028 will be quoted here]

    You are probably right on the money………after all he said she was adjusting to being leered at by her co-workers……..and, uh…….customers?

  18. mikeB

    [Comment ID #34877 will be quoted here]
    I am very computered literate. :geek:

  19. [Comment ID #35028 will be quoted here]

    Yes. Yes, she did.

  20. scamper

    So Dave how bout the chest couls she give you any milk for that tea
    😈 :boob:

  21. JFLY

    The sound of tea….that sounds like a Buddhist koan. 😕

  22. Bjorn Freeh

    I know the sound of tea: “Ah pity da fool!”

  23. Steppenwolf

    I’ll admit I have a ‘thing’ for oriental women so this is similar to a favorite dream of mine. Well, except it doesn’t have anything to do with a restaurant. Or computers. Or tea.
    But it does include a lovely, young Korean woman with a cute ass so it’s kind of similar…right? :mrgreen:

  24. Did they have any delicious-sounding coffee soup? :java:

  25. MrDoug

    Does anyone here speak Chinglish? Can I get a translater here?

    Wait a second Lebanese…Korean…Computered….Cute Ass….

    AH HA! This explains the thong and the paper clip Dave found. 🙁

  26. [Comment ID #35206 will be quoted here]

    I think you’re onto something here, MrDoug.

  27. Mandy

    Men sure do like finding :thong:s

  28. mikeB

    [Comment ID #35210 will be quoted here]
    Oh, you noticed?

  29. Darrell

    You should share the location of this restaurant. I’ve heard so many guys talking about how they would like to eat Lebanese.

  30. Marcus

    [Comment ID #35072 will be quoted here]

    Here is a koan for you.

    The world is vast and wide. Why do you put on your robes at the sound of a bell?

    Tea can sound good if you slurp it loudly. In some cultures, slurpping your tea is a way to show you enjoy it, and that it is delicious.

    Now my Teaching Engrish Story in Thailand.

    Teacher: Do you smoke?

    Student in Thailand: Yes, I do.

    T: What kind of cigarettes do you smoke?

    S: I don’t smoke cigarettes.

    T: So, you don’t smoke.

    S: Yes, I do, but I don’t smoke cigarettes.

    :wtf:Can anyone tell me what she smokes? :wtf: Answer will come later :wtf:

    Bible names :wtf: Someone had way too much time on his hands or couldn’t think of something better to do like regrouting (sp?) the tiles on his bathroom floor.

    Who chants the Buhhda’s name?

  31. Peaches

    [Comment ID #35305 will be quoted here]

    For the Engrish story………..She was smoking cannibas……and yes, someone had WAY TOO much time on their hands……….and who know WHO chants the Budha’s name. I have been home from work too long and had too many drinks to care who the hell does!!

  32. JFLY

    Marcus, I am so confused! :wtf:

  33. Peaches

    [Comment ID #35363 will be quoted here]

    You have had too many drinks too…………

  34. JFLY

    [Comment ID #35457 will be quoted here]

    LOL…not a single drop. Wish I could, but I am sick. :dead:

  35. Ace

    Does she smoke a pipe or bong perhaps? Is she on fire?

  36. Marcus

    Come on guys.. think about it. Okay, more background. She is a sexy young lady.

  37. Marcus

    [Comment ID #35498 will be quoted here]

    Don’t be confused. Let’s try confusionism

    American Baseball not true.
    Man with three balls can not walk. :wtf: 😆

    Okay I’ll give the answer tomorrow. March 23

  38. Ace

    Is she smokin’ hot?

  39. Master Solace

    She’s smoking meat… :wang:! Mwah ha ha haa!

  40. Paige

    Confuscious say- Never go into a Lebanese restaurant that has a Korean waitress.How would you order? Do you think that she would understand you?Do you think that she has been smoking Thai stick?Or maybe she has drank too many Suffering Bastards??? 😳

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