Note to Self, No. 6,991

The next time some astronomer swears that you live in the ideal location for viewing a lunar eclipse at 5 AM, shoot him or her, then go back to bed.

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Show 25 Comments


  1. patrick

    Yeah, I woke up at 5:30. It was dark like it was November, Not August. I was not impressed. But then I’ve watched solar eclipses before, much more impressive. :limp:

  2. Pookazilla

    The only ideal location for watching a lunar eclipse is on the moon.

  3. junkman

    yeah. but always make sure your pinhole box is pointed towards the heavens.

  4. StevieC

    What, you need an excuse for shooting them now? :wtf:

  5. :wtf: 😳 I didn’t know you lived by me. Should I start shutting the blinds when I get ready for work in the morning? 😈 😛

  6. StevieC

    [Comment ID #199254 will be quoted here]

    Now that’s a full moon I wouldn’t mind seeing! Or slapping … or biting … or stedging! 😈 :wang:


    Ok zilla girls it is time to help the Davester through this very hard time…

    Please post pics of your full and or eclipsed moons

  8. Spud

    You just have to be in the right hemisphere, it was terrific, lotsa big blood red moon. 😆

  9. Bjorn Freeh

    Astronomers are just meteorologists who aim higher. You still can’t trust ’em.

  10. dougieace

    maybe send an astronaut to shoot an astronomer 💡

  11. Yucca

    I was blindingly drunk at 3amPST. I think I saw it but don’t know if it was the eclipse of the moon or a cranial eclipse. Hi, I’m a new kid.

  12. I missed a lunar eclipse? Meh, I’ll just catch the next one. 🙄

  13. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #199267 will be quoted here]

    Hi, new kid. I’m not sure why you think those are mutually exclusive eclipses.

  14. Yucca

    Ok it was a cranial eclipse. Thanks for the welcome 😀

  15. Brett

    [Comment ID #199273 will be quoted here]

    hang on..thats from 2004?

    I want my money back..

  16. Cindy

    Live in central Florida and it was pretty cool…I’m normally up that early and was able to check it out from beginning to end…I can totally understand why more primitive peoples freaked out over eclipses because it’s such a strange sight.

    And Yucca, I’m relatively new myself, but would like to extend a welcome and am in hopes of some more new and interesting posts… 😆

  17. StevieC

    [Comment ID #199273 will be quoted here]

    Join them together with a string and you’ve got a Zillagirl party just waiting to happen! 😈 :wang:

  18. Lucky you, where I live it was between 2 & 3 AM. There is nothing I am willing to wake up for at that time short of sex. OK so maybe I would still see the moon or Uranus.

  19. Yucca

    [Comment ID #199384 will be quoted here]

    Aren’t the moon and uranus the same thing?

    Thanks Cindy

  20. StevieC

    [Comment ID #199405 will be quoted here]

    Naw, Uranus isn’t made out of cheese.

  21. Yucca

    [Comment ID #199408 will be quoted here]
    LOL. You’re killin’ me.

  22. [Comment ID #199408 will be quoted here]

    That’s why you can eat it so well.

  23. Yucca

    [Comment ID #199550 will be quoted here]

    You can only if you’re really hungry.

Comments are closed