Halloween Costume Suggestion #1

Halloween suggestion #1

All week I will be offering suggestions for Halloween. They will only get weirder as the week goes on. You’ve been warned.


38 responses to “Halloween Costume Suggestion #1”

  1. StevieC Avatar

    Socks with sandals? Now there’s a fashion fauxpas if I’ve ever seen one.

  2. P..rick Avatar

    The long long lost brother of the singing cowboy in New York City ❓

  3. rust Avatar

    Hmmm… what’s wrong with this picture?

    What’s right?

  4. Bec Avatar

    Getting weirder as the week goes on? This is going to be a fun week Dave, can’t wait! 😀

  5. russ Avatar

    I wouldn’t pay for that hooker.

    The cops couldn’t find anything else for their latest prostitution sting.

  6. Da Popster Avatar
    Da Popster

    My daughter when she was young used to say “Gag me with a spoon”. Seems appropriate.
    Dave: Where’s the green “HURL” icon? Coulda used it.

  7. CBATDUX Avatar

    Jimmy Buffett – before the salt.

  8. i had a pony but i ate it. Avatar

    Ah yes – a classic look for winter.
    Note the brown belt to hold up the Invisible Pants, as well as the mini-handbag to carry the Invisible Dignity.
    Okay – no more shopping at LOL-Mart for you.

  9. Alison Headley Avatar

    That’s Leslie Cochran, Austin’s most famous cross-dresser and occasional mayoral candidate. I’ve never seen him in the underwear, but the rest of it resembles what he usually wears.

  10. Meagan Avatar

    Might be good for warmer climes, but here in Canada, you gotta have a costume that fits over your snowsuit, especially since it’s snowing RIGHT NOW! I want summer back!!! 😥

  11. Sherri Avatar

    Just one word………..EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW!!

  12. janeeto Avatar

    It’s Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday is Halloween. Thank God you started on Tuesday and not last Friday. I don’t think I can take that many more pictures. Then on Saturday, you can start on the Election pics. That’ll give you four days!

  13. zinta Avatar

    Ok.. this is LESLIE a FAMOUS homeless person in Austin Texas.. my home town.. this guy actually ran for mayor here and got on the ticket.

  14. Stefanie Avatar

    Hey…..It’s LESLIE!!! WASSUUUUUP!!

    You should see the back view……..he’s usually wearing a thong!!! 😯

  15. Drusky Avatar

    Now you know what Mr. Peanut was wearing UNDER the outfit… 😯

  16. Spud Avatar

    No, no need to go any further Dave, you are already looking at your Halloween costume!

  17. julesOdeNile Avatar

    😐 is evil milk got from sucking on man boobs much like the ones portrayed in this pictographic evidence provided by MR. DAVID ZILLASKI for education purposes only 😕 ❓

  18. Chris S Avatar
    Chris S

    Where exactly do you live Dave? I just want to be sure never to come within 200 miles of the place.

  19. Lung the Younger Avatar

    When reality defies Photoshop.

  20. Nicolette Avatar

    SOMEONE cared enough to wax, I see! 😉

  21. fruf Avatar

    OMG Foghorn Leghorn

  22. Spud Avatar

    [quote comment=”464035″]SOMEONE cared enough to wax, I see! ;)[/quote]
    Thanks Nicole, you made me look again… 😕 😛

  23. junkman Avatar

    i see the utility belt but i didn’t know barry gibb was a super hero. why does he need 2 purses? what’s with the german sock sandal look? who would have thought that wearing children’s under wear might make one’s package look larger? 😐

  24. J Avatar

    It’s a fairy nice outfit.

  25. AnnieB Avatar

    [quote comment=”462936″]Jimmy Buffett – before the salt.[/quote]

    Looks like he spent one too many days wastin’ away in Margaritaville…

    Dave, you’ve absconded with my favorite icon again! 🙁

  26. Bec Avatar

    [quote comment=”464192″][quote comment=”464035″]SOMEONE cared enough to wax, I see! ;)[/quote]
    Thanks Nicole, you made me look again… 😕 :P[/quote]
    Ugh, I unfortunately did too… 🙁

  27. Avalon Avatar

    Nice legs?

  28. junkman Avatar

    [quote comment=”464327″]Nice legs?[/quote]
    shame about the face ❓

  29. Rufnkdnme Avatar

    [quote comment=”463139″]Hey…..It’s LESLIE!!! WASSUUUUUP!!

    You should see the back view……..he’s usually wearing a thong!!!

    I have to disagree…I for one am thankful that that rear view was not included. Thanks Dave.

  30. Rufnkdnme Avatar

    Am i seeing Man Boobs? I wish I would have waited until after lunch to log on…

  31. junkman Avatar

    [quote comment=”464339″]his bro

    i know i have to assume some responsibility for clicking on the link but i did not need to see the bro. thanks (not) for sharing. (if a puke icon was available it would be placed here now)

  32. Don Avatar

    Oh darn Clydes out of jail again

  33. Keefer Avatar

    As the recession takes it’s toll, Jim works hard for the money 😉

  34. Elle Avatar

    Good heavens, socks with mules. Tacky tacky.

  35. Tammy Avatar

    I told Bono that outfit did not match.

  36. Mark Avatar

    Matching Shirt with Panties, Priceless

  37. Time Tracker Avatar

    I think I just threw up a little. 🙂

    But seriously…this might take the cake as best (worst) halloween costume ever.