Getting laid

The Management is currently getting laid. Please check back at a more convenient time when sexual escapades have subsided. Please note that this will only be a temporary cessation.

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  1. Lou Zha

    Is this encounter some sort of compromise regarding the national holidays for a cross-border couple? Neither wanted to have secks on the others national holiday so u decide to do it on a day in-between? And i STILL dont get the big deal about being 1st to reply.

  2. The big deal is doing this :shock:.

    There you go. Heh. 😈

  3. Spud

    pithy comment 😉

  4. Esther

    Well, at least somebody’s gettin’ some.

  5. Hopefully it is with “that Brahan women”. Heh.

  6. Hopefully Management will get it right this time.


  7. Anonymous


  8. Anonymous

    i like big :boobs: and i can not lie!!!!!!

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