Friday Question #6


Have you ever thought about mundane things (like taxes or groceries) during sex?


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  1. No, but it has reminded me to change the oil, lube the chassis and to check the fluid in the rear end.

  2. No, but I’ve thought about a greatdane… ๐Ÿ˜›

    Video of the Day says it’s no longer available. โ“

  3. Bigwavdave

    The kids are coming over in a little while, I wonder if I locked the front door.

  4. Bigwavdave

    I bet AnnieB would like to be watching THIS! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Zymurgyst

    Does planning how I am going to score with her sister count as a “mundane” thing?

  6. zinta

    I think I have to have had sex before to think about anything else.

  7. Bigwavdave

    Re: The Link: I’ve heard smoking s**t – but that’s taking it a little too far…

  8. fruf

    why is the dog licking my ass
    did I put the cat out?
    am I going to fall asleep before we finish?
    thank god that I didn’t put a TV in the bedroom
    what kind of a tat has my partner got and is my twinrix shot up to date?
    thank goodness that I didn’t put a mirror on the cieling
    that doobie was great zzzzzzzz

  9. Bec

    Mirrors. This would be so much more fun with mirrors on the ceiling…

  10. Bear

    damn…i have to think of the last time i had sex…i think i belong to the underprivileged group…married to long and…what was the question again

  11. Patrick

    Annie, try again. It loaded for me. Dude looks like Doogie Howser.
    Thinking about mundane things is the whole point of trying to last looong for a guy. Guys need to think about everything but sex. Gals need to think about nothing but sex. End result- fantastic finish, skyrockets, waterfalls, fireworks. trains entering tunnels- all the symbolic scenes.

  12. junkman

    well this is going to go over like a lead balloon the day before valentines but……………of course i do dave…..i’m thinking of her.

    p.s. roses are already on the table, pink champagne is chilling, having an old ring reset with better stones but can’t help an evil comment now and again.

  13. junkman

    [quote comment=”627167″]I bet AnnieB would like to be watching THIS! ๐Ÿ˜‰[/quote]
    hey bwd……..that is not a mundane thought that is a fantasy! and by the way you know she wouldn’t be watching for long! erection icon. erection icon. erection icon.

  14. DaPopster

    Sure, taxes, world affairs, anything to make the experience last a little longer………. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  15. Flash Gordon

    [quote comment=”627160″]No, but I’ve thought about a greatdane… ๐Ÿ˜›

    Video of the Day says it’s no longer available. :?:[/quote]

    A Great Dane, AnnieB? Lordie, how about a Sam Barnyard? โ— ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ’ก :evil

    Where’d the rest of the icons go?

  16. That reminds me, I need to get more batteries… ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  17. chainstay

    Thank goodness for that open bar and the small pill I took. ‘Cause I am larger than life and ready to go all night. In fact, I might do one or two encores.

  18. chainstay

    This is a lot of fun; but I am not sure if it should smell like that?

  19. Sherri

    [quote comment=”627183″]Annie, try again. It loaded for me. Dude looks like Doogie Howser.
    Thinking about mundane things is the whole point of trying to last looong for a guy. Guys need to think about everything but sex. Gals need to think about nothing but sex. End result- fantastic finish, skyrockets, waterfalls, fireworks. trains entering tunnels- all the symbolic scenes.[/quote]

    That is Doogie Howser (Neal Patrick Harris)…and it’s a funny but bad video.

  20. Spud

    There is method in this questioning, what it is, I cannot tell.

    Friday Question #6
    13 February, 2009
    Have you ever thought about mundane things (like taxes or groceries) during sex?

    Friday Question #5
    February 06th, 2009
    Whatโ€™s your least favorite sandwich filling?

    Friday Question #4
    January 30th, 2009
    Which celebrity do your family and friends say you most resemble?

    Friday Question #3
    January 23rd, 2009
    If you could have a soundtrack play whenever you entered a room, what would it be?

    Friday Saturday Question #2
    January 10th, 2009
    A day late, but I did post yesterday.
    If it was any bigger, would it break the bank?

    Friday Question #1
    January 02nd, 2009
    Iโ€™ve decided to ask a question every Friday this year. Weโ€™re starting out with a two-part question. Try to keep up.
    Guns or bacon and why?

  21. Bigwavdave

    Spud – Have a puff on this…You’ll figure it out ๐Ÿ˜‰

  22. Spud

    All I get is this…

    1. Bacon
    2. Yes
    3. Help Me
    4. Shit
    5. Asparagus & Vegemite
    6. What’s sex?

  23. @ Patrick – Thanks Babe!

    @ Flash – I’ll put that on my list of things to try before I die. ๐Ÿ˜›

    Most likely Dave has been “tweaking” the site again and that would explain the missing icons. You’d think he’d know we’d need the wang and the boob icons for this topic โ—

    @ Spud – Shouldn’t that be Help Me Shit Asparagus & Vegemite AND Bacon? Have you tried more fiber? If you’re really blocked up you might want to try the old, yet reliable Ex-Lax.

    As for #6, Sex is the biological classification of male or female. I’m pretty sure you’re male.

    Hope I’ve been helpful. ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜ˆ


  24. Drusky

    I’d better hurry up. My favorite show is on in 5 minutes. Wait… I’m a guy. Hell, I’ll have 4 minutes to spare… ๐Ÿ˜›

  25. I have thought ” hmm I wonder what Dave will post on Davezilla tomorrow?” made me last a few more minutes. ๐Ÿ™„

  26. tinamarie

    Let’s see…
    “And I have to do laundry tomorrow and some mending…”
    “Oh crap I still have to modify my forms to include that stupid clause…”
    “Did I bill for that session? I’ll have to check tomorrow…”
    “I hope that isn’t Katie that is rumbling around outside. Thank God I locked the door.”
    “When is my first appointment tomorrow? What time do I have to get up?”
    and then the not so mundane (at least they’re related to sex)
    “Is he done yet? I hate it when men get older…”
    “I just want to go to sleep…”
    “Why can’t he believe me when I say ‘Let’s just have a quickie!’ ?”
    and my favorite
    “YES YES YES YES!!! And now I just want to go to sleep…”

  27. Sometimes I think
    ‘I wonder where I left my punchture repair kit?’
    But usually it’s a false alarm and my girlfriend just needs a bit more air.

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