Category: Freaks
People we can safely dislike #26
- People who refuse to include punctuation in email or texts.
- The guy (it’s always a guy) who passes you on the road and then promptly slows down.
- That lady who refuses to admit she misdialed you… again.
- Men who wear Crocs with business suits.
- Young men who think wearing a vest with a porkpie hat makes them jazz musicians.
- Older women who think wearing loud mumus with oversized glasses makes them artists.
- People who rasp, wheeze, and smell like a nicotine factory and claim they “quit ten years ago.”
- The cheap bastard who drinks 3/4 of his expensive cocktail before returning it, claiming they made the wrong drink. Then re-orders the same thing.
- Anyone with a straw hat.
- The person in the picture and whatever she’s doing to that poor baby [PHOTO COURTESY:]
- Anyone who owns more than three parrots.
Rappin’ for Jesus
This is frickin’ amazing. Best train wreck of a song ever. Language is NSFW.
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