Blockbuster Night

Tonight I went to see if Blockbuster Video on the off-chance had a used DVD of the recently released Serenity. They were sold out, but I was treated to a show nonetheless.

As I was perusing the Pre-Viewed DVD aisle, I heard what sounded like a dinosaur throwing up. I turned the corner and saw the cause: a three year-old boy. You’ve seen the splash zones for the orcas at Sea World? This kid beat them by a solid meter. The following ensued:

Boy’s brother: “Eww! Ma-few frowed up!”
Father: “Oh, he sure did.”

The father—a dead ringer for David Crosby—picks up his boy under the armpits and carries him to the checkout counter.

Father: “My son is throwing up. Can we get a mop or towel, please?”
Employee: “Oh dear! Certainly!”

My son is vomiting

All over the counter. All over the floor. All over the employee.

Employee: “Sir, your boy must have the flu. Why don’t you take him home?”
Father: “Yeah, I will in a minute. You guys got Serenity?”

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Show 34 Comments


  1. At the risk of saying this way too late … love the redesign! Oh, and you should have brought the cat to Blockbuster, so you could make it clean up the vomit.

  2. Does strange stuff ever NOT happen to you when you go out? 🙄

  3. I was wondering the same Dante! 😀

  4. Maybe the kid had raw eggs and castor oil earlier. Was there a pie eating contest anyhwere near?

    “Lard ass! Lard ass!” :puke:

  5. Spud

    I always found it quite intriguing as to the amount of material that can issue forth from such small bodies.

    Yes, most intriguing.

    I also like the father’s determination not be put off from the task at hand.

    Serenity, yes, that’s what I need, a little Serenity.


  6. Spud

    Oh and I really must refrain from clicking on those lnks…


  7. cbatdux

    So THAT’s why my “Christmas with the Partridge Family” Video smelled that way….

  8. mitch

    “Sir, may I interest you and your family a pre-viewed copy of ‘The Exorcist’ “?

  9. Jen (yep, me too)

    Whew, that link was weird. Of course someone bid on it and of course I HAD to see if everything this person is selling is odd so I looked. Needless to say, it is weird. That wasn’t the only freaky taxidermy animal “statue” had is selling. 🙄

  10. You could hardly blame him. Serenity is that good. :kiss:

  11. Craig

    Melissa Etheridge + David Crosby sperm donation = DEVIL SEED! :limp:

  12. MandyLocke

    That little boy must have seen Catwoman. :puke:

  13. [Comment ID #17196 Will Be Quoted Here]

    I have long ago given to that fact that I was born a Freak Magnet. 😐 Then again, I do live in Royal Oak, where weird is normal. Everyone has bizarre experiences here. I’m just the only one recording them.

  14. One word: Netflix.

    Oh, and that link is going to haunt me for weeks…. :dead:

  15. starheler

    dave you need a cross then maybe some of the strang thing will avoid you was sernety any good?

  16. That guy looks awfully like my dad when he was younger. Which I guess means that he looks like David Crosby. He now looks like Albert Einstein.

  17. Melmel

    My mother collects frogs, I think I just found her birthday present.

  18. jayray

    Thanks Dave, the frogs were funny as hell, if only i could have put a bid on them sooner!!

  19. cbatdux

    (must self-medicate. Frogs too troubling. Davezilla site into recycle bin…)

  20. Gives new meaning to the phrase, “make it a blockbuster night” for sure! Yech! :puke:
    And another reason not to give birth. 😀

  21. tinamarie

    [Comment ID #17217 Will Be Quoted Here]

    Hell, what does it say about Natalie (who I think is rather nice and relatively normal…relatively.)

    Oh yeah, and as for the kid…once you’ve put up with them for awhile, nothing phases you. Puke, crap, snot, farts, filth…”Do you have a copy of Serenity? Nothing bothers me anymore. Except crappy movies. They piss me off.

  22. I’m a pro at getting plastic bags in front of puking kids before it gets all over my counter. I’ve had to do it several times for mothers who are too inept to care for their own children who shouldn’t have been out in public in the first place.

  23. kookoo

    :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :limp: :limp: :limp:

  24. I once had a similar experience at Starbucks when a lady put her kid (sans clothes but with diaper) on the counter and we found out (a little too late) that the kid had the ‘rrhea.


    You have to love the Royal Oak.

  25. hippychick

    [Comment ID #17262 Will Be Quoted Here]

    Have no fear JayRay, one of the auction items is still available until 1/9/06. Have fun!

  26. hippychick

    Why parents bring sick or screaming or whiney kids out in public in the first place is beyond my comprehension other than the fact that they MUST feel they are the only ones left on the planet or just don’t give a shit about other people.

    NETFLICKS should be a mandatory for those people.

    OMG the frog site was, oh let’s say, unreal. To think, people actually bought some of those items. My daughter walked up behind me as I was looking at the link and then I had to explain why there was a menage a trois of dead froggies. She’ll probably wind up having nightmares tonite.

  27. hippychick

    Anyways, on a much happier note:


  28. marcus

    Sounds like you have my life. Strange things happen to me all the time. I have also seen too many bloody gory accidents. :puke:

    Love the frogs.

  29. BHamm

    Boy… temper-tantrums have sure evolved since my day. We just used to cry to get what we wanted. Now it’s … :puke:

  30. GirlyGirl

    LOL, those frogs were so funny! I can’t believe people accually make stuff like that.

  31. ok it response to the frogs…this is what happens when you imbreed.

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