Ad Placement FAIL

In advertising, location is everything

In advertising, location is everything
Via April Winchell


11 responses to “Ad Placement FAIL”

  1. DaPopster Avatar

    Looks like somebody forgot to flush the gene pool ……….. 😕

  2. Bec Avatar

    Flush the gene pool? I think it is in some need of some chlorine – stat!

  3. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Wait a minute – APRIL WINCHELL is sending you stuff? OMG! We have comic royalty amongst us!
    April – Huge fan – love your work, especially on the Roger Rabbit films. Loved your dad as well.

  4. fruf Avatar

    Barbeque as a cremation machine??? those steaks aren’t going to go down too well tonite

    Memo to self DRINK LOTS OF BEER

  5. Scamper Avatar

    I wonder if they used Kingsford. Ya I know thats tacky

  6. Drusky Avatar

    How’d you like to be the Home Depot employee working in the returns department when THAT grill comes in… :puke:

  7. Drusky Avatar

    [quote comment=”630880″]Wait a minute – APRIL WINCHELL is sending you stuff? OMG! We have comic royalty amongst us!
    April – Huge fan – love your work, especially on the Roger Rabbit films. Loved your dad as well.[/quote]

    I loved their donuts… 😀

  8. Sherri Avatar

    The sentence doesn’t do justice to the crime. I say gasoline and a blow torch for both would be sufficient. Oh and don’t forget the Kingsford Competition Briquets

  9. Meagan Avatar

    Kingsford Competition Briquets now come with Soylent Green Barbecue Sauce. :wtf: :puke:

  10. Spud Avatar

    Some folks is dummer than a bag of spanners

  11. juleOdeNile Avatar

    [quote comment=”630907″]Kingsford Competition Briquets now come with Soylent Green Barbecue Sauce. :wtf: :puke:[/quote]