Lizz and I took a much needed vacation up north this weekend. I had planned a month in advance to get a romantic Bed & Breakfast for the Fourth of July weekend. Sadly, my favorite B&B gets booked up three months ahead so I booked with another place. The week of, I got a panicked call from the proprieter who said she had just received my check that day. It was mistakenly delivered to the neighbor, who had never bothered to bring it over until three weeks later. Needless to say, she was booked solid by then.
I made arrangements at the only place open for 25 miles: a motel. I couldn’t find pictures of it anywhere and when we drove up, our hope of a good weekend quickly faded. This place was a dump, clearly untouched since the mid ’60s.
Yes, that is a recent picture, taken on Saturday. One redeeming feature: the pool was clean and just the right temperature. Best of all, empty.
Part II tomorrow
18 responses to “Where I was all weekend, Part I”
Wow Dave. Looking at that motel, it’s nice to know that a little bit of the Eastern Block still exists in rural Michigan.
ooh creepy. someone cut off peoples legs and left them on lounge chairs by the pool. to bad there was no green door. perhaps an adventure could have awaited behind it!
Notice the cleared field of fire surrounding this building, the small windows, and colour coded tank exit points?
Look on the bright side, you had the pool to yourselves, those legs look like they could kill and the motel looked oddly reassuring.
[Comment ID #369113 will appear here]
Don’t you have to knock three times and whisper “Joe sent me.” to get behind the Green Door?
You only have to realise that there is no door.
Dave, are you shaving your legs again?
And you survived the weekend? Every serial killer knows an abandoned pool is the best place to drown someone. Don’t ask me how I know that.
Ooh. A picnic table AND a barbecue!
DAve, you say “a much needed vacation”. You got the entire place to yourself, clean pool, no cable (see antenna), no yapping kids, no rowdy drunks. And your sweetie by your side. Did you relax? Are you refreshed, recharged, tanned, rested and ready? Quitchabitchin! Karma will smite thee a mighty blow. forsooth.
Cow and Chicken’s parents on vacation?
[Comment ID #369296 will appear here]
Mandy, with that avatar of yours, I don’t need a barbeque to have a picnic! :wang:
And yes, I have learned to breathe through my ears. 😛
I can’t believe such a palacial garden palace like that was’nt already booked solid!
In the future, borrow some of my camping stuff before embarking on a journet to our friends in the North…you’ll thank me one day. :undies:
Did room service come in a small econobox with the ‘Dominoes’ lite up sign on the roof?
[Comment ID #369404 will appear here]
Yes, but can you take corn off the cob witw your tongue? 😈
[Comment ID #369439 will appear here]
I’ll bet you can spell ‘with’ better than I can, though… 🙁
[Comment ID #369439 will appear here]
If you’re finding corn, all I can say is *flip her over boy, you’ve got the wrong hole * :wtf:
[Comment ID #369404 will appear here]
I have no idea where this avatar came from. I feel the urge to quote Jessica Rabbit:
“I’m not bad. I’m just drawn that way.”
[Comment ID #369469 will appear here]
Now that I have a visual I wish I didn’t… :dead:
I was referring to thrilling women with the ability to touch your eyebrows, part your hair or eat corn on the cob purely with your tongue… 😛
Hey, AnnieB, are you sick, babe or are you holed up in that motel? :kiss: 😕 :wang: :thong: