What not to wear to work

So I went to get my hair cut. I go to a female stylist. Before you make any metrosexual jokes, let me explain my rationale. My belief is, I always go to a female stylist, preferably one that looks like the type of woman I’d want to sleep with. They are most likely to make me look like the type of man they would like to sleep with. If not, I at least have a hot woman playing with my head and not a creepy old man that smells like Aqua Velva.

Long story short, I am waiting for my stylist to be freed up when my girlfriend nudges me to look up. There’s a stylist bending over in tacky leopard print pants. Tank top too small, so her entire padded bra is showing. But here’s the killer, and I wish it showed up in the picture. I would expect a thong hanging out, but no. She topped it. Backless panties and entire ass crack exposed. Klassy.

What not to wear to work

Then I noticed what the stylist to the right of her was wearing.

OMG, there are two of them!


31 responses to “What not to wear to work”

  1. Nicolette Avatar

    OK, I get the wanting to go to a woman thing for the hair…… but to THESE women?!? One looks like a hooker, the other like a Holly Hobbie reject!

    I still say the Gnome looks like a midget after having been used the the local bar’s midget tossing event. WTF did they think the dude on the commercial meant by “you’ll never roam alone”.

  2. Davezilla Avatar

    [Comment ID #248607 will appear here]
    No, no. There’s like 30 stylists at this place. Mine stylist looks like Lisa Loeb.

  3. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #248610 will appear here]

    Your stylist is a mime? πŸ˜›

  4. Spud Avatar

    Mine stylist? voss is loose mine herr?


  5. Meagan Avatar

    Lemme guess, leopard print girl probably goes for the totally shaven type and Mrs. Butterworth has low standards. πŸ˜›

  6. hoatzin Avatar

    [Comment ID #248610 will appear here]

    The way Lisa’s career has been going, a job as a hair stylist somewhere in the Greater Detroit area would probably be a step up.

    I’ll alert the syndicated entertainment TV shows.

  7. Nicolette Avatar

    [Comment ID #248610 will appear here]

    Usually they put the good looking women out by the waiting room to attract more customers, and bury the,…ahem…… more eccentric ones in the back. How’d you get so lucky to have that kind of entertainment while u wait??

    Whoot! I was first again!!

  8. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    Hair styling doesn’t turn me on; I don’t have enough to style.

    Say, AnnieB, I’ve been thinking about you this weekend and you’ll
    never guess what I’m holding in my hand! πŸ‘Ώ :java: :kiss: :wang: :wang:

  9. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #248657 will appear here]

    Hey baby, I ‘ve missed ya! Your little blue pill? Has it been a month already? πŸ˜›

  10. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    Mom???? 😳

    Mom…I think you need to go back to the bus station and pull the other half of your dress out of the doors.

  11. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    Hey! I’m 1st too! At 18:00, anyhow.

  12. Pablo Avatar

    From the pics you show, are you sure you weren’t at a sausage stuffing factory?

    Today’s special: Leopard print Kilbasa or Bratwurst with a bad perm.

    Yo Davyboy, I was a hairstylist for over a decade and the male clientel I had came to me because their wives wouldn’t let them go to the hot chicks.

  13. Trukindog Avatar

    Somebody should tell the one on the right the Stevie Nicks look only works if the dress FITS.

    Misstress Darla, once again I’m wishing those were my hands :boobs: :wang: sweet clevage !

  14. larfus Avatar

    Man if she had a pole next to that chair she would not have to go to her second job as a dancer.

  15. julesOdeNile Avatar

    [Comment ID #248610 will appear here]

    what ever helps you sleep well tonight ,Dave…Lisa Loe..who? yeah! after the (lap dan..) i mean hair cut at this klassy joint, is there cursing and swearing and hasty paying of (certain amounts) for any (unspecified) services? i wunder…

  16. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Ah now donÒ€ℒt knock the stylist on the right.
    A damn fine pair of curtains went into that dress.

  17. Spud Avatar

    They need closure.

  18. Trukindog Avatar

    [Comment ID #248933 will appear here]

    She should have stole them from a bigger window.

    [Comment ID #248997 will appear here]

    LMAO Spud.

  19. Cobe Avatar

    You can read her lips as she cuts your hair.
    She can hold an extra comb in her camel toe.

  20. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Dave – Some questions…
    1) Are you SURE it was a padded bra?
    2) Where is the crack shot?
    3) Are you SURE this isn’t the line at your local Starbucks?

    And finally…Fashion should be a statement…NOT a question!

    WAITRESS…Another Guinness if you’d be so kind…

  21. Meagan Avatar

    Happy St. Patty’s Day everyone! Grope me, I’m Irish! 😈

  22. hoatzin Avatar

    [Comment ID #249125 will appear here]

    Oh yeah, me too!

    And other Guinness, sure, why not?

    Uh, wait, what was the question?

    Dave, is the “Gobsmacked” icon ready yet? It IS almost noon here, ya know…

  23. Trukindog Avatar

    Grope, rub, lick….what can I say I’m drunk Irish.

  24. Astryd Avatar

    I’m not Irish, but I wouldn’t mind having a bit in me. 😈

  25. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    [Comment ID #249341 will appear here]

    Indeed I’ve always pictured you with a bit o’ the Irish in ya. (By the by – I had bangers for breakfast this fine mornin’, and a little hair o’ the dog!)

    ~signed, Paddy Fitzinnitt O’Flirtty

  26. Trukindog Avatar

    I’m 1/3rd Irish and HOT DAMN thats a fine avatar! :wang:

  27. Dragohose Avatar

    Good to see that laverne and Shirley are alive and doing well in the stylist business.

  28. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #249460 will appear here]

    Does that mean you’d be only 1/3rd of the way in? πŸ˜›

    By the way, that was a PERFECT Stevie Nicks reset. LMAO!

    Dave, since when did you go to SkankyCuts?

  29. Trukindog Avatar

    [Comment ID #250193 will appear here]

    No the Irish 3rd is at the bottom of the Bit !

    I’d soooo do Stevie……Nicks that is not C !

  30. Chris Avatar

    ….OK Fine. I’ll go change… πŸ™

  31. TimM Avatar

    Always remember! Take the rod out of the drapes before you wear them to work.