- Their local motto is, “If you can drive in Napoli, you can drive in Hell.”
- At the outdoor cafés, pigeons are smarter than waiters.
- The pizza really is 10 times better.
- Pulcinella is either good luck, bad luck, an evil clown or a sex god, depending on whom you ask.
- Napoli is full of budding Banksys.
- Stone-washed jeans are still alive and well in Southern Italy.
- Children not only openly use professional grade fireworks in the streets, they are encouraged to do so by adults.
- Texting while driving gives you the right of way.

One response to “What I Learned About Italians from 10 Days in Naples”
I had a similar experience in la Bella Napoli, Dave and can concur with everything you say:
– Right of way is directly proportional to diameter of testicle.
– There’s nothing that can’t be done while seated on a fast-moving Vespa.
– Young Neapolitans ALWAYS wear their sunglasses up on their heads, even while showering.
– The proper way to dispose of your garbage is to chuck is off your fifth-storey balcony roughly aiming for the container. And if it accidentally lands on the Fiat that’s parked beside the container?…weeellll, whadayagonnado.
– What I would call a half-inch of delicious tar served in a thimble, a Neapolitan would call a coffee.
– Indeed, the pizza is to die for…and being Naples, somebody probably has.
But what beautiful chaos Italy is. I’d go back in a heartbeat.