Ohhhhh geez. What’s with the florescent light, buddy? I would kill for some eyelids right about now.
[swims a bit]
Christ on a crutch. Dere’s dat damn Pufferfish again. Swimming by my filter tube! Don’t he know that’s my turf? I better shows him who’s boss around here.
[swims up]
Hey! Yo, Puffie! Yeah, you. Get yer no good, bloated belly-havin’ prickly-ass outta my turf!
What? Oh is dat a fact? Listen pal. I been in dis tank since you was a fry. I remember the day dey dropped your bag in the tank. Dere goes the neighborhood I says. We all knew you was gonna be trouble. And look at you. You’re fat. You gots prickles all overs ya. You gots buggy eyes and a tiny dorsal fin. And you knows what the ladies say about fish with small dorsal fins. BWAHAHAHAH!
What? No, I’m a clownfish pal, get it straight. See dat anemone back dere? Dat’s mine. Go ahead. Touch it. The poison will kill ya. Whaddya mean, you gots stronger poison? In your scales? What the? Your cousin killed a Japanese guy? Serves him right for eatin’ him! BWAHAHAHAHAH! No offense pal, but I can’t sees why anybody would wants to eat ya. Yer uh, how do I put dis delicately? FUGLY!
22 responses to “What a fish in an aquarium is thinking”
I wish they’d clean the green stuff off this glass…Mandy’s dancing around the living room in her thong again… :thong: 😉
Methinks someone is off his meds again.
[quote comment=”635093″]Methinks someone is off his meds again.[/quote]
Y’know…reality is NOT all it’s cracked up to be. :wtf: 😉
[quote comment=”635094″][quote comment=”635093″]Methinks someone is off his meds again.[/quote]
Y’know…reality is NOT all it’s cracked up to be. :wtf: ;-)[/quote]
I try to avoid it as much as possible – especially when it arrives in the mail in the form of a bill.
sounds fishy to me
aquariums and toilets …places for live and dead fish
best check to make sure that shark is dead before you toilet him or lose something
howz about a skark vasectomy?
you wouldn’t need areality with that
glub….OOOOO…..glub…….000000……..glub……oh wait….that’s what i’m thinking. 😀
Word has it down in the grotto that the Jimmy the Koi is making a shiv outta an old algae magnet. And Angelfish Mancini says the Guppies ain’t too happy about that. Rumour has it, Jimmy’s gonna be sleeping with the humans by the end of the week.
Oooh, a piece of food! There’s another one. Hey buddy, get your own! This here’s my fish flake! Oooh, a piece of food!
Yo Gil, I got a buyer lookin’ for some prime algae, yous know where I can score some?”
“Sure Angel go talk to The Sucker; He’s down a the bottom of da tank. If he ain’t there try the sides of the tank. He hangs out there alot with all the scum. He’s always hangin’ out with the scum, but if anybody knows algae it’s The Sucker.”
Your fish needs a school.
Say it! Say it, Fishy, say ‘chowdah’
Who can I spawn with today?
…There’s a light…Burning in the fireplace
There’s a light…light…in the darkness of everybody’s night….
or something like that….
Blowfish: Blow me Clownfish. Der’s a new Boss in town an’dats me!
You know what sucks about YouTube? It’s the fact they don’t let us Canucks watch shows like Robot Chicken! Good thing I got it on DVD, suckah! 👿
I can’t help but to think about Monty Python’s “The Meaning of Life” With the fish in the tank at a restaurant when the, shall we say, rather large man walks in. Sadly, I don’t remember what they said. As I recall, there were several scenes with those witty fish.
well chainstay it wasn’t this……
I wonder where that fish has gone.
You did love it so. You looked after it like a son.
And it went wherever I did go.
Is it in the cupboard?
Yes! Yes! No!…
Wouldn’t you like to know? It was a lovely little fish.
And it went wherever I did go.
It’s behind the sofa!
Where can that fish be?
It is a most elusive fish!
And it went wherever I did go.
Ooooh, fishy, fishy, fishy fish!
A-fish, a-fish, a-fish, a-fishy, ooooh.
Ooooh, fishy, fishy, fishy fish!
That went wherever I did go.
Somethings fishy in here, ya know wot I mean? Oh shit, Wanda hasn’t had a bath
today! :limp: :wtf: 😛 🙄
Junkman that was another one runnin’ around in my head. Thanks for the whole thing.
Now we do the fish-slap dance!
[quote comment=”635151″]I can’t help but to think about Monty Python’s “The Meaning of Life” With the fish in the tank at a restaurant when the, shall we say, rather large man walks in. Sadly, I don’t remember what they said. As I recall, there were several scenes with those witty fish.[/quote]
Here you go… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1kftCx5-tA
[quote comment=”635107″]….pssst.
Word has it down in the grotto that the Jimmy the Koi is making a shiv outta an old algae magnet. And Angelfish Mancini says the Guppies ain’t too happy about that. Rumour has it, Jimmy’s gonna be sleeping with the humans by the end of the week.[/quote]
“Angelfish Mancini” made me snort. 😛