Welcome to my world

Ever watched the credits roll at the cinema or on television all the way to the end? Your eyes get so used to the upward motion of the credits that when they finally stop your eyes suddenly get the illusion that the room is falling slightly.

My whole life is like that.

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Show 13 Comments


  1. smizzy

    Is that what they call “Easter Eggs” ? *grins*

    I see just about the same thing when sorority girls step off their little running machines at the gym here, they aren’t used to *walking* and they fall over ;-D

  2. Anna

    Went to Ikea yesterday and am still dizzy from walking through/with the herd. So maybe I know what you’re talking about.

  3. Your life is like upward moving credits, or your life is like the illusion of the world falling slightly? *scratches head*

    My life is like Davezilla.com … full of freaks, weird words, and WTF??

  4. ReV.JeLLYBaBY

    Forrest Gump once famously said “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what your gonna get.”

    I do and it’s pretty nearly always the nasty ones near the bottom of the box that nobody else wanted.

    So as I sit there watching others scoff all the strawberry chocs, I find myself left with a filthy coffee flavoured one and I sometimes wonder where my life is going.

    My advice to everyone reading this, is don’t wait till it’s too late to be who you want to be, as life is seriously too short and who knows…..

    One day you may be able to buy your own “box of chocolates”.


  5. Anna

    aaaaaaah I missed the sermons

  6. Spud

    I like green eggs and ham

  7. mikeB

    I do not like green eggs and ham. :mrgreen:

  8. Anna

    How come I always thought it was ‘green eggs and spam’?

  9. mikeB

    I don’t like that either, Anna.

  10. My life is like this:
    You’re walking down a crowded street when suddenly the people in front of you just stop in the middle of the sidewalk and you have to squeeze around.. only to have the next people in front of you do the same thing.

  11. Esther

    My life is a bit left of center, not quite yet where I would like it to be. I’m workin’ on it.

    Oh, and if you mention Spam, you need to throw in the obligatory Python quote (it’s the law):

  12. Hobbit

    I don’t watch the entire thing. I just watch the pbscure speaking parts’ names. Some are really funny.

    In Chicago (movie. Duh)
    Groin Reporter

    MIB 2
    Dog Poop


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