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Show 25 Comments


  1. But what if I like my burritos made with ground beef? Now I could see “No cows, no burritos”.

  2. J

    I do truly love a good Burrito-however I also know how to make them-?

  3. Chris S

    Apparently Taco Bell is getting nervous and might have to alter its menu. Try our new grilled stuffed burrito, now with 50% less illegal immigrant! Ehm…Fat! We mean fat!

    Which reminds me, my uncle went to Taco Bell a few years ago and ordered a beef burrito. They told him that they didn’t sell beef burritos. His obvious reaction was “What?? What do you mean you don’t sell beef burritos?”
    The workers proceeded to tell him that they only serve bean burritos or half and half beef/bean burritos. So he asked if they still sold all-beef tacos to which they answered “Yes”. Then he said, “Well take a bunch of the taco meat and put it in a burrito shell and give me a damn beef burrito!”
    Imagine the shambles they’ll be in with no illegals now.

  4. AnnieB

    I guess they took a look at the statistics on obesity in America and figured it was probably a pretty persuasive strategy …

  5. StevieC

    So does this mean that burritos are illegal? :wtf:

  6. Spud

    Righto, you Americans better take heed of this message, no illegals – no burrito’s means I don’t get my burrito and if I don’t get my burrito, things are going to turn bad.

    That’s all I have to say about that.

  7. Driver

    I think no illegals no roadside produce stands would have been a better sign for this guy, almost anyone can make a burrito but not that many people want to sit by the road in the heat of the day selling corn and mellons. 😕

  8. pablo

    You never lay all of your cards on the table during any negotiation. The Chinese guy taking the picture is thinking “mmmmmmm bean and cheese eggrolls”

    Unfortunatly all of the cooks at the Chinese restaurant are Mexican too.

  9. dougieace

    how about no illeagals, no debasing the wages for working americans to benifit the corporations that run your country.maybe thats is a little to long.fuck it, no burritos

  10. dougieace

    how about no illeagals, no debasing the wages for working americans to benifit the corporations that run your country.maybe thats is a little to long.fuck it, no burritos

  11. dougieace

    i know i know. blame it on the weed

  12. officeratt

    No burritos or no tacos??? I believe in Mexico a burrito is a taco and vise versa…….Another Mexican showing his intelligence

    Maybe if we thought twice we wouldn’t be worried about illegals 😈

  13. Flash Gordon

    We don’t need no steenking burritos! :wang: :wang: 😈 👿 :wtf:

  14. I firmly believe that US American Illegals, such as Mexico and Iraq, need to make us more burritos and teach other nations how to make burritos, such as bean and cheese, so that we can build a better nation for our children.

  15. patrick

    “Walk It Out”?- More like, So You Think You Can Still Dance, Wrinkled Old Crone?

    No Illegals=No Burritos? Does that mean the dog population will be safe again? Oops, did I say that out loud? 🙄

  16. Umm. I think it might be a bit late to threaten the availability to deprive the US of burritos.

    See, many people have learned to make burritos, and chimichangas, etc. I have eaten them in the company cafeteria in Minneapolis, and frozen stuff at the local grocery and Chicken Catering store.

    Plus, there I have known fourth-generation Mexican descendents, and many of them know how to make burritos, etc. Van Camps has made ‘Spanish Rice’ in cans for at least 40 years that I recall. In Corpus Christi, one of the popular brands of Mexican foods was Gephardts. After a German immigrant that learned to make Mexican food, then made a business doing it on both sides of the border.

    Sorry, folks. You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube (as one movie put it). The recipe got loose. There are many wonderful reasons to welcome people from other countries. Defying international security and breaking US laws come awful low on my list of favorite reasons.

    Besides, a Jenny Craig recipe for fat-free Mexican junk food is about to hit the market big time.

  17. Driver

    Hey wait a minute…is that sombrero guy John Leguizamo 🙄

  18. Mjaz

    There is a segment of the population who will eat Burritos simply because they ARE illegal… damn scofflaws!

    Personally, I am a legalvore (I teeter between that and a lawgen). I only eat certified legit foods, like ummmmm… freedom fries and hotdogs (aka lips and asshole sticks).

  19. I was going to make a joke about using refried beaners, but thought better of it.

  20. TimM

    Well, at least we see that Lou Diamond Philips is keeping busy.

    (Flash Gordon stole my first thought :P)

  21. Having true wetback parents and being firstUS born generation I must say, yes you are right. Many have learned the to make such burritos along with so many other mexican foods but for those of us who can distinguish the taste, (maybe it’s from the grime under their nails, maybe it’s Love but I sure as hell know it’s not from dropping it on the floor cuz my Big Mac never tastes as good) Mexican food made by ‘true mexicans’ or illegals (so to speak) always tastes of Mexico until they start using all the canned and prepackaged sterilized processed and preserved foods from the US (personal experience with favorite family restaurant). Then it loses that special something that makes it so great and gives me melancholic flashbacks of way-back-when I was a toddler running barefoot on the bare dirt kitchen floor while nana made fresh home-made flour and corn tortillas in preparation for that evenings matanza. Mmmm…
    Mexican by heritage, American by birth, that is a terrifying threat. ❓ 😆

  22. I’m gonna be polishing my burrito assembly skills in the coming weeks. As soon as burritos are outlawed, I’ll be able to command at least $100 for a super carne asada burrito con salsa picante. Bling city, here I come.

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