Tag: Fail
Is it deer season already?
Image via Mandy L.
More people we can safely dislike #22
Oh man. I have been subjected to appalling grammar this week. I want to put these folks under citizens arrest … for the murder of the English language!
- People who say “360°” when they meant “180°,” as in “His attitude went 360°.” That doesn’t mean he changed his attitude. That means it’s right back where it started, fucktard.
- People who mix up there, their and they’re.
- People who can’t recall the simple ‘i’ before ‘e’ rule.
- Amerikans who kant spell rite. (See below)
Tourism Rule No. 23: Blend In
Call me picky, but this isn’t how one blends in when wandering about Detroit.
Ad Placement FAIL
In advertising, location is everything
Via April Winchell -
I was all excited to have this multigrain bread till I realized it was 3″ wider than the toaster slots. Epic fail.
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