Strange days, indeed

Yesterday, Royal Oak seemed to fall apart.

  1. A woman in our city who used to be a news anchor killed her husband.
  2. There was a three hour power outtage.
  3. A pipe bomb was discovered on the edge of town and subsequently dismantled.
  4. A woman walked into Pitaya Jeans, wet herself and ran out.
  5. A homeless man with one eye walked into the same store, threw 50 pair of jeans on the counter and announced, “Someone will be in here in a few minutes to pay for all of these” and walked out.

What happened in your town?

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33 responses to “Strange days, indeed”

  1. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    …Gosh. I’ll bet they discover that all those things were related!

    Around here, it was WAY weirder than ANYTHING you mentioned. We had the Democratic debate.

  2. Trukindog Avatar

    First things first Dave

    Did anyone ever come in and pay that homeless dudes britches :wtf:

  3. The Manticore Avatar

    every cooling system at the gas station I work at stopped working.

  4. Pablo Avatar

    I was non-productive & cranky.

    I’m usually productive.

  5. Trukindog Avatar

    [Comment ID #234103 will appear here]

    That would be PAY FOR that homeless dudes britches

    And I don’t know what happened in my town today cause the Valley Of The Sun is a big ass place and all kinds of shit happens every day. So I just mind my own bizz. and try to stay out of trouble. Oh wait , one thing some dumb ass in a pick up doing who knows what ran me off the Hwy. onto the shoulder. Did I mention I drive an 18 wheeler.

  6. Chris Avatar

    As for the strangeness in town I can’t say much like that happened. I stopped wetting myself in public months ago.

    The link of the day was a little disappointing. I was hoping to see Mandy lying between two 15 pound slices of bread, hold the onions. 🙁 That’s my kind of sandwich.

  7. Kristi Avatar

    I checked my bank account on Sunday to find $30 had been spent from my account without my knowledge at a website called

    So I called, and found out that wasn’t the only suspicious activity on my account, someone had tried to make a purchase from Air France exceeding $5400 (an amount of money I can only dream of having one day).

    Later that day, I got two phone calls from ladies inquiring about a saddle I was supposedly selling online. So I went to the websites they mentioned, and sure enough, there were ads for a saddle there, with my name and cell phone number on them.

    Another ad went up yesterday on both sites. I’ve received about 8 calls since Sunday about these damn saddles that I know nothing about.


  8. Lung the Younger Avatar

    This reads like
    ‘The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Seven Signs of the Book of Revelations’.
    (Canadian version)

  9. hoatzin Avatar

    Something tells me a certain Jessica Fletcher is on her way from Cabot Cove, Maine right now, and will solve all this in about 42 minutes (if you skip the commercials).

    The news anchor woman IS the most likely suspect, but Jessica will ask the questions that the bumbling local police didn’t think of, and lead the real guilty party into a carefully-laid trap.

    As long as she doesn’t try and join the Zillagirls, I think you’ll find everything will be JUST FINE.

  10. Spud Avatar

    [Comment ID #234252 will appear here]

    French or English?

  11. StevieC Avatar

    I woke up to about 8 inches of wet, heavy snow in the driveway and about double that at the end dropped off as a gift from the Snowplow Gods. The forecast for today is calling for another inch or two of wet snow along with a mix of rain and freezing rain as temps hover around the freezing mark.

  12. Natalie Avatar

    In Toronto we would call that “a slow day in Kensington Market.” Except for the murder. We’re much too polite for that sort of thing.

  13. Bigwavdave Avatar

    [Comment ID #234200 will appear here]

    You’ve got a saddle? I know “someone” with a whip, maybe we can work something out. :wang:

  14. Bigwavdave Avatar

    So maybe it not just Starbuck’s, (hope you got through last night’s early close OK). I’m beginning to think it may be the entire community of Royal Oak. Any strange urges Dave? :wtf:

  15. patrick Avatar

    She thought the sign said, “Pissonya Jeans”.

  16. DaPopster Avatar

    Hate to say it but none of that seems out of the ordinary these days. All you have to do is watch the local/national news and all of the above is matched or trumped. Now ….. IF people were nice to each other, helpful, lind, etc., them those indeed could be deemed strange days. Otherwise, the’re just odd or funny. Oh yeah, Steve C., your weather forecast is as gloomy as ours here.

  17. junkman Avatar

    well in our town george clinton and the p-funk all stars arrived from the mother ship so…….our minds were freed and our asses followed; we tore the roof off the mother fucker; we got up on the down stroke; shit….goddamn….got of our asses and jammed; bounced to that; maggot’s in the brain; nothin but the dog in me chased that cat; we turned that mother out; we got the funk…..etc.

  18. AnnieB Avatar

    Nothing much happened in my small town except for a dog that got hit and killed by a truck. Thing is, no one much cared because he was a mean old dog that would go around biting people for no good reason. Such is life, I suppose …

  19. ZenReaper Avatar

    I haven’t left the house this morning so I have no idea what’s going on out there. 😕

  20. MRDOUG Avatar

    Just another sunny day in paradise, should be 80 today, good thing as spring training starts today. Snow? WTF is that? People still live in places it snows? Good god what is wrong with you!

    150 lb burger? What kind of shit do you get after chowing down that bad boy?

  21. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #234542 will appear here]

    We had our choice between snow, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, or Republicans. I think we chose wisely.

  22. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #234526 will appear here]

    Yeah, you pretty much have to read a newspaper, turn on the radio or the news to find out if anything is happening outside your humble abode.

    Doofus! 😛 :kiss:

    Dave … we need an icon for mooning! I need to moon Zen!

  23. Pablo Avatar

    Completely off the subject

    Things Found Only in America

    1. Only in America……can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance.
      1. Only in America……are there handicap parking places in front of a skating rink.
      2. Only in America……do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.
      3. Only in America……do people order double cheese burgers, large fries, and a diet Coke.
      4. Only in America……do banks leave both doors to the vault open and then chain the pens to the counters.
      5. Only in America……do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put our useless junk in the garage.
      6. Only in America……do we use answering machines to screen calls and then have call waiting so we won’t miss a call from someone we didn’t want to talk to in the first place.
      7. Only in America……do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight.
      8. Only in America……do we use the word ‘politics’ to describe the process so well: Poli’ in Latin meaning ‘many’ and ‘tics’ meaning ‘bloodsucking creatures’.
      9. Only in America……do they have drive-up ATM machines with Braille lettering.
  24. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #234607 will appear here]

    I’ve got a snowball that you could throw in his general direction ….

  25. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon
    1. Cleetus Ledbetter’s cow has gone missing.
    2. Obama came through town wearing a Ku Klux Klan outfit. We knew it was him
      cause we don’t have anybody that tall in the county.
      3.The jute mill exploded.
    3. Piles of cow shit were found all over town.
    4. Agnes Jones husband had an erection that lasted over 4 hours.
    5. Someone said they had fired on FT. Sumter. This will probably mean war. :wtf: 🙄 😕 :wang: :wang: 😛
  26. Dragonhose Avatar

    It sounds like another Steven King novel in the works.

  27. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    I forgot the Alamo. 😕

  28. Meagan Avatar

    Well, the strangest thing I did today was get to my first day of work three hours early. Yep, seven months of unemployment will do that to ya. 😳

  29. Trukindog Avatar

    It’s just another Pleasant Valley Sundayaaay…charcole burning everywhere 😀

  30. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    Hey DaveZ…AnnieB reminded me of something…whatever happened to the new icons you were taking suggestions for a little while back…we DO seriously need the mooning one (animated!), a middle finger. there were a lot of good ideas there.

  31. Pablo Avatar

    [Comment ID #234926 will appear here]

    Johnny says, “I don’t need no finger icon”.

  32. jack Avatar

    [Comment ID #234200 will appear here]

    I’ve got my spurs and chaps, lets go for a ride.

    Seriously, i’ve had a burglary at my barn and lost 10 saddles. Is there any way you could send me a link or address so I can see what saddles they are selling? It’s a long shot but ya never know!!

  33. Kristi Avatar

    I would, Jack, but my phone number is on them and the last thing I need are more people calling me…one of them is a Roo-Hide cutting saddle, and the other is a Harris show saddle.