print:”Hello Kitty”;

If HTML had been developed by the Japanese first, we would have tags like:

  1. <BigHappyFun>Welcome to my Life!</BigHappyFun>
  2. girl {skirt-length:shorter; panty-color:#fff; bend:always;}
  3. $checkGrammar = explode(‘?’, $checkGrammar);
    function sailor_from_Moon($schoolGirl) {
    if ($schoolGirl == ‘underage’) return naked;
  4. <pikachu>I choose you</pikachu>
  5. <style=”eyes: 475%; mouth: 45%; leg-length: 300%; skirt: 5%;”>
  6. function get_girlstohavesex_withXrating ( $cat_hentai = “noclothes”, $before = ”,
    $after = ‘<tentacles>’, $between = “legs”,
    $show_images = true, $orderby =( offensiveness )
  7. $flavors = $this -> iceCream( squid_ink );

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Show 14 Comments


  1. Barbapoppa

    I betcha if i was pyootre-geek i would find post more humorous.:-(:!:

  2. mikeB

    You got the Japanese panties obsession down right, matey! ARRRRRRRRR! (Where’s the parrot and Jolly Roger icons?)

  3. Esther

    Avast, ye mateys! This here post is enough to make this landlubber wench reach for some hearty grog, and then walk the plank. Arrrrr!

  4. Whoops. I didn’t expect that comment to be that long. I thought I only copied and pasted a PART of that song. Sorry.

    At least now I can say I’ve made a comment probably longer than the Rev’s! 😛

  5. Lou Zha

    Arrr ye salty scallywags. What be this HTML ye speak of? Be that some sort of brigantine or a sloop? Know ye that nones faster than my Man-O-War, The Esjee Ehmell.

  6. cap'n plopsie

    Talk Like A Pirate Day lands on Sunday this Year???!
    oKay, bow yer ‘eads, ye scalliwags–‘ere goes…

    Aaaaarrrrrrrr Fartharrrrr, who Arrrrrrrt in ‘Evvin. ‘Allllllowed Be Thy Nayume!

  7. Mandy

    Arrrrr it be colder than a witch’s tit tonight! Shiver me nippers. :boobs::boobs:

  8. function(swab){
    var poop, poopdeck, capn, teh_shark, me;

  9. (Cap'n)Meat Popsicle

    Ahoy lads! I see we be lettin the bloody Japaneese swab our own poopdecks with ye bonnie code. I say we load the cannons and take back what is Arrrrs….:mad:

  10. Anonymous

    sup…is this chatting place?:roll:

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