Overheard: Flight to Arkansas Edition

[Sitting behind me on plane]
Traveler #1: “Whut wuz thayat?”
Traveler #2: “I bet it wuzza wheelz comin’ down.”

Traveler #1: “Wheelz? Fer real?”
Traveler #2: “Yessir. We’s sittin’ raht above the plane’s wang.”

Traveler #1: “We surely are! I ain’t never been above the wang afore.”
Traveler #2: “Yessir. It’s a good spot. Git t’see ever thing from here.”

Traveler #1: “Lookit that wang.”
Traveler #2: “Mm-Hm.”

Traveler #1: “Jim?”
Traveler #2: “Yeah?”
Traveler #1: “I’m fixin’ to barf.”

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Show 41 Comments


  1. Master Solace

    Woah! The Clampetts fly for the first time! How could you get any luckier!?! Now, which one was Jethro and which one was Jed? Or does it really make a difference?

  2. Master Solace

    And as for the link…I think Wrigley’s may have something there with that commercial. Giant ant attacks man because he wants the sugar from the Juicy Fruit. The only thing missing was the ant picking up the entire car. That would’ve been cool.

    Best performance from a Giant Ant since…well…“Honey, I Shrunk the Kids”…well ok, maybe a lot better than that!

  3. Ace

    Dude, that ant would be cool to have as a pet, I would train it to let me ride it. With a juicy fruit tied to a string on a stick it just might be able to take me to Arkansas so I wont have to travel with Cletus and Bubba talking about wangs.

  4. Ah, nothing quite like being trapped in a metallic tube 35.000 feet in the air listening to a half a gallon of sloppy semi-digested grits hitting the inside of a laminated paper bag like a blob of cottage cheese getting caught by a baseball glove. Modern travel. Gotta love it.

  5. Kwade

    umm……that was a visual…. :puke:

  6. Marcus

    Where do you find these people, Dave? Do you plan all this or is it fate? Hmmm… you are fated to listen to idiots speak and publish it on a blog for the entertainment of all. Of course, I grew up in the mountains. I think I am going to take a trip home and send you some recordings. You could probably get a lot of material from them.

    That video is pretty accurate about the strength of an ant. I wish I had one that size. I could scare the maid into working harder and faster. πŸ‘Ώ

  7. Anna

    πŸ’‘ Not only planes should have at least 2 wangs.

  8. Becky

    Sounds alot like a conversation in Slatington PA :wtf:

  9. And what, pray tell, did you do in Arkansas?

  10. justjim

    please……. we really don’t want to know πŸ˜›

  11. mitch

    You were just overhearing George W. talking to Scooter Libby. W is really that stupid.
    Day eleven of I Love Fran!!!! The pulse quickens, the heart throbs (I think that’s my heart throbbing) and my soul sings her name. AAAHHHH.

  12. djemm

    Mitch is there going to be any internet porn yet cause my wang’s getting a little antse

  13. Becky

    [Comment ID #29738 will be quoted here]

    He went to the dentist :dead:

  14. Paul

    Did they reveal any secrets they learned at the Republican Convention? :puke:

    The next scene cuts to inside the anthole with the guy tied up and all the ants in line to pleasure their new queen.

  15. Spud

    Two wangs is better un no wangs, that fur shure, that fur dang shure.

    Non ho idea.


  16. [Comment ID #29730 will be quoted here]
    I don’t mean to find them, but I do have a special knack for being stuck near them. I’m also a lot more observant than the average person. Sometimes that really sucks.

    Oh yeah, and the Detroit area is one giant Fellini film.

    [Comment ID #29738 will be quoted here]
    My client’s headquarters are located there. I go there once or twice a month.

  17. Bob

    Mitch has a serious problem with us republicans. As a caring individual i suggest he seek help. also Fran may start to worry too.

  18. djemm: Mitch is there going to be any internet porn yet cause my wangÒ€ℒs getting a little antse

    So, is “antse” anything like “goatse”?


  19. djemm

    Only if your as curious about where the saga of Mitch and Fran will end !

  20. humpty

    hey ma look i got a doggy bag. :puke:

  21. Jeffro

    [Comment ID #29826 will be quoted here]

    I’d say that would be “THE Wang” starring Steven”Wang with a Pony tail” Seagal

  22. scamper

    sounds like a flight on Redneck airlines, I wonder if the in flight meal was some roadill that was found on the runway after the last landing, served up by flight attendents with few teeth and dressed as a Hooters girl.

  23. family jules

    Hey! That was my astral plane! Guard your luggage, Dave!

  24. Peaches

    Ok……..give the country bumpkins a break…….. we southerners have to stick together. After all, that could have been me talking…….except I don’t say “wang” πŸ™„

  25. hrnylilbtch

    :wang: “lookit that wang”

    “I’m fixin to barf” :limp:


  26. StarGazer

    Rube #1: MR Ducks.
    Rube #2: MR Not.
    Rube #1: OSMR…C M Wangs?
    Rube #2: LIB! M R Ducks!

  27. laceylegacey

    Anty gone bad πŸ™„

  28. Tina Marie

    Traveler #1 “Lookit that wang!”

    I’ve said that before!

  29. Jim S

    Is that an out-take from Big Business? 😈

  30. cbatdux

    [Comment ID #29719 will be quoted here]

    this description will stay with me….thank you lung….

  31. [Comment ID #29730 will be quoted here]

    you have a maid??? πŸ˜•

  32. Peaches

    Yes……..Peaches is from Georgia. Currently in Florida.

    Marcus, you grew up in the mountains? I grew up in the foothills of the mountains. Its really not amazing that you have a maid……..and you don’t say “wang” either.

  33. Marcus

    [Comment ID #30438 will be quoted here]
    Not such a big deal to have a maid where I live about $100 a month for a full-time maid. Much less if she doesn’t speak English.

  34. Paige

    Did anyone see that crazy ant???? I live in redneck country and hear conversations like that all the time!!!!!

  35. Cherish

    Oh Good… Someone already did the L.I.B. thang. πŸ˜›

  36. hell, that’s nothing. you ought to hear my father-in-law speak sometime. SW Louisiana accents are great.

  37. Timmmy

    Esther said: My astral self has a Godiva boy.

    So does mine, but I have come to terms with that.

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