12th Annual Outside Thong Competition

Winners of the 12th Annual Outside Thong Competition

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  1. I wonder how many 16 year olds will masturbate to this picture.

    And what’s up with the girl on the far right? She looks like she’s thinking “I can’t believe I’m doing this”. 😆

  2. Master Solace

    [Comment ID #21142 will be quoted here]

    I agree with you.

    And :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:
    Who in the fuck came up with these BACON COOKIES!!!!!!
    I got a slogan for them, though(don’t know where it came from, so bear with me)….ready…..

    Too lazy to get up between the crack of dawn and the creep of dusk, wished you could have your breakfast that you didn’t get up for for dessert, try our all new BACON COOKIES…that’s right, BACON COOKIES. Loaded with bacon, sugar, and raisins(don’t think we’d forget the raisins, did ya)…Try all-new BACON COOKIES today!!!!!
    (guaranteed to make your teeth fall out, make you a diabetic, and give you a heart attack by 30)


  3. Master Solace



    They’re sweet, they’re greesy, they contain RAISINS, and they’re not your relatives.


    (not intended for human consumption)


  4. Spud

    14-15 yr olds downstairs doing something #33 made them all do,……….. that bitch.


  5. Spud

    “Bacoterian” …….. somehow that just sound so ….. right.


  6. Please Dave, no more recipes! Stupidly, I clicked the link and it’ll take nothing less than a lobotomy to erase that image from my brain! I’m nauseous … ❓

  7. Now sir, take your time. Can you please identify which of the girls from this line up is the lapdancer that stole your wallet?

  8. JFLY

    Sorry…but I’m thinking “acne, seldom washed coochies, and really lame bj’s”. I don’t know why guys drool over this shit… :limp:

  9. marcus

    Hmmm. Stupid picture. Stupid children. Not appealing. However, if a comment is necessary….. Just Say No to Drugs.

    Bacon Cookies…. hmmm. If you read the recipe it doesn’t sound so bad. I would definetly try them. I live in Thailand and some of the sweets here contain meat such as fish and pork. Fish and shrimp flavored snacks are very popular. 😮

  10. MandyLocke

    “How long do we have to hold up the ceiling?” :thong: :thong: :thong: :thong:

  11. mitch

    I now the present the generation that is going to inherit the world. May God have mercy on our souls. But a bacon cookie would be nice right now.

  12. Craig

    For the one in pink, it should be the 1st annual suck in your gut day. :wtf:

  13. Craig

    “Why is your dad taking pictures of us with no pants on? 👿

  14. Bjorn Freeh

    C’mon girls. It’s time for dinner with Mom and Uncle Dad!

  15. underdog

    skin, skin,skin, we want skin. :boob: :boob:

  16. Wendy

    [Comment ID #21153 will be quoted here]

    How many ditzy teens does it take to hold up a ceiling???
    4….and they don’t know how to dress themselves yet, either….


  17. Wendy

    Oh yeah…and the kid in the green shirt DOES look like a future porn star….or the school whore..

  18. Have none of you noticed the unidentified lower portion of the 5th contestant located at the far left of the picture?

    It’s haunting me.

  19. Underage girls in compromising situations… :dead:

  20. Peaches

    MandyLocke……………my sentiments exactly. It does look like a low ceiling…….or maybe they are just high.

    Maybe their cookies were made with ingredients other than bacon…..

  21. Burnsy

    I hope those aren’t really the girls underwear. . . I find it creepy that they are all wearing almost identical thongs. They must of bought them just for this photoshoot. 🙄

  22. Peaches

    No…….on second thought, I think it is a purification ritual.

  23. tenderflower

    Audition shots for Fox’s new reality series: ” I want to be a porn star”. I’d say #33 is in.

  24. DaPopster

    A try out for future Girls Gone Wild :undies: :boob: 😛

  25. Anita Mann-Badley

    Then came the day at the bottom of the mine,
    when a timber cracked and men started crying.
    Minors were praying, and hearts beat fast
    and everybody thought they’d breathed their last cept’ the Thongs.

    Through the dust and the smoke of this man-made hell,
    walked a group of young girls that the minors knew well.
    Grabbed a sagging timber and gave out with a groan,
    and like girly oak trees they just stood there alone, Big Thongs

    Big Thongs
    Big Thongs
    Big Bad Thongs
    Big Thongs

  26. |nSan|ty

    I am sure there is a bunch of realllllllllly proud parents in therapy at this very moment….. :wtf:

  27. mmmm… bacon cookies.

    And Anita: thanks for nothing. Now I’ll be humming “big bad thongs” to myself all day long!



  28. Lace Valentine

    #33 is so darn easy on the eyes.

  29. julie

    Bacon Cookies! You people are so unadventurous. Bacon and sweet things are wonderful. Have you never dipped bacon in maple syrup before whilst consuming your pancakes? I’m making them this weekend for my birthday, I bet they’re great.

    I say that’s the best way to wear a thong, so the back doesn’t go up your butt, or “seldom washed coochie” (shudder); how women wear those things is beyond me.

  30. Bubbles

    I’m definitely making the bacon cookies. And I’m definitely not gonna wear a thong while I do it.

  31. franklito

    see what two shots of vodka could do. #33 IS A FREAK, you can see it in her eyes. it looks like they all think they are sexy except the one on the right, she looks like she’s thinkin”im a kick #33 ass if this picture gets out”

  32. Nothing like a shot of underage girls in thongs to get my day going. :dead:

  33. logan

    [Comment ID #21175 will be quoted here]

    oh so someone other than me looks at fox magazine oh and why are the wearing thongs on the out side of their pants why are they wearing pants at all :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

  34. Master Solace

    #33 is probably the high school whore and future porn star, the ones in the pink and the blue are probably cheerleaders, and the one on the far right looks like a future serial killer. I could see a horror movie in the future where the “future serial killer” is dismembering #33 because of THIS picture. It’s funny how all things work out. 😈

  35. jayray

    [Comment ID #21142 will be quoted here]

    I hope #33 is a future porn star :wang:
    Unless shes under 18 and then she should put her panties back on the inside of her pants

  36. The joke is that #33 is actually a boy.

  37. Spud

    aaaaaand we have a Winner!

  38. cbatdux

    I’m sorry contestant #4, you have been voted out of the basement!

  39. MrDoug

    Wow Kiddie porn from Master Dave. It’s a whole new side of you oh great one.

  40. MrDoug

    Oh crap I just realized this is the continuation of yesterdays list! HONK! HONK!

  41. Jane

    I’m disturbed.
    And Amused.
    Baking Cookies?

  42. Peaches

    Doesn’t ANYONE want to be PURIFIED today!!! ❓

  43. Jimbo

    WHEW, hot, :wang: :wang: :thong: :thong: :thong: :thong: :boob: :boob: :boob: :boob: :boob: :boob:

  44. Shorty The Biatch

    I made the bacon cookies. I made sure to get drunk before hand though. I ate one then I puked my guts up. After that we had fun hitting the raccoons in the head with them. They seemed to love them.

  45. Awwww…Can you all say JAIL BAIT!? 😀

    At least they weren’t all blonde! 🙄

  46. Ace

    Yep, I think other April is right. I believe that is a passed out crotch in the corner. They must be giants, thay can reach the ceiling!
    Were these girls at Dave’s birthday party? He likes to party with underage giants!

  47. [Comment ID #21225 will be quoted here]

    😆 :kiss:

  48. Paige

    you can have a hard dick and hard arteries at the same time :wang:

  49. Patrick

    [Comment ID #21177 will be quoted here]
    Anita you are insane! By the way, I like that in a person.
    #33, I want your phone number. I want to call you in five years. We’ll play ‘Diving for Dollars’ and I’m supplying the bucks.

  50. Bacon cookies! You probably killed me, but what a way to go! I love you, Davezilla!

  51. Jazzy

    Oh my god! The ITTY BITTY TITTY COMITTEE!!! :boob:

  52. Alex

    I have 2 daughters this age-Shit! 😳

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