Caption Time #95

Caption Time #95

Image via Jen Funk Segrest

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Show 42 Comments


  1. Master Solace

    it’s the new Starbucks coffee size…they call it, CheCosaLaScopata…Italian for what the fuck!

  2. tinamarie

    The refreshment stand at the Phish reunion concert. Mmmmmm, munchies. 8)

  3. As the Man Juice Festival of ’06 gets underway, Joe wonders if the bratwurst stand is open yet.

  4. Spud

    I only had one beer oshifer…


  5. “Well the boss said everyone could only have one alcoholic drink…”

  6. JFLY

    Now that’s what I call a pint of Guinness! :wang:

  7. mitch

    In drinking, as in all other manly exercises, size does matter.

  8. Anna

    It’s the cups that are regular size!!!

  9. Aevyta

    OOh! I’ve actually seen this before.. aparently, it was a company picnic and they could only have one cup of beer and some smart ass supplied the appropriate size of cup.

  10. Paladinman

    All that beer and no women…Damn shame! :thong:

  11. John K

    ” BUCKET BRIGADE ” the line starts here.

    So much for pissing in a cup!

  12. cbatdux

    The Lilliputian Work Brigade takes a grog break after tying Gulliver down. That’s GLUM on the right thinking “It’ll never work, the ropes will never hold. We’re doomed. Doom and Gloom, Gloom and Depair!”

  13. cbatdux






  14. Marcus

    “Harry Potter got drunk at his birthday party.” 🙄

    I wish I could try that microwave thing, but I have no American money. 😆

  15. Craig

    “Dude, have you seen my cup o’ beer? I can’t seem to find it. Oh well, i guess i’ll drive home now.” 😈

  16. B Hamm

    The college physics class found another great use for Professor Finkle’s enlarging ray.

  17. newsflash (8:00am): 7-11 releases Super Super Jumbo Big Gulp!

    newsflash (9:00am): All local stores run out of toilet paper due to everyone in the United States pissing like crazy.

  18. “But honey, the super extra large was only $5 more AND you get free refills!!”

  19. Lace Valentine

    “Drink Me”

    –Alice in Wonderland

  20. Bjorn Freeh

    …in a related item, Haliburton has denied padding costs in its no-bid cost-plus contract to distribute bubblegum flavored Bird Flu antiviral elxiir.

  21. MrDoug

    Ok random drug test, line forms to the right you need to fill the cup with your urine sample

  22. prtyprincess7104

    It’s our newest sized disposible cup, Go all day on just one cup, just fill i6t and go!

    wtf, this is crazy good,LOL :wtf:

  23. Danny T

    George W. Bush’s graduation party. Oh. Thats how he lost his brain cells!!

  24. Danny T

    Next table is the 2 foot wide 3 foot long cocaine line, to help additional beer sales

  25. kate

    “no noh ofeeserr i didn’t drink more tha un kup go lookit it just barley fit in the trunk ha ha zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz”[Comment ID #21245 will be quoted here]

  26. Peaches

    There is nothing like a good “Cordova Ice Worm Day” celebration!!


  27. Lace Valentine

    “Soooo… Who’s turn next with number 33?”

  28. Peaches

    Lace Valentine………..have you been drinking from those cups?

  29. dawn

    is this how nerds have a garbage pail punch party?

    college was fun…eerrrrr…the parts I remember, anyway

  30. cbatdux

    Tsk Tsk Lace – 33 was 13 or so.

  31. Wendyfb

    Good thing they are DRINKING from them and not giving a sample.. can you imagine!?!?!?!?! :wtf:

  32. I’d like to see the pics the photographer took after his free sample. 😛

  33. Jazzy

    Loooky here – THE ITTY BITTY TITTY COMMITEE!! :boob:

  34. Ron

    Who’s the idiot that gave us 4ft beer cups and a 6in porta-potty? :wtf:

  35. kevo

    Doctor said only 1 glass a day :puke:

  36. Dennis Bookhart

    “Okay, who cooked this meal and is, therefore, responsible for us needing all these barf buckets?” ❓

  37. hippychick

    [Comment ID #21286 will be quoted here]
    What brain cells. He didn’t have any to begin with!

  38. Announcer: “For all teenagers, only one glass of alcohol. For adults unlimited!”

    Random Teenager Number One: “Fuck, only one cup of beer? That’s bullshit!”

    Random Teenager Number Two: “Wow, I guess buying these extremely large cups wasn’t such a bad idea. LARGE CUPS FOR ALL TEENS! Adults, fuck off!”

Comments are closed