Obey the Naughty Palace

Obey the Naughty Palace

Image via Natalie

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Show 52 Comments


  1. i know several people with stupid disease

  2. tanderny

    Not sure I want to know what a “ball poot” is.

  3. Robobobo

    4. … The tourist can’t throw with the balls.

    Really? Too bad. It is part of my “A” game when my girlfriend comes over …

  4. I think it says ball pool.

    Take of the shoes before entering the naughty place!
    Obey the naughty place’s safe navigation.
    any disease is forbid to play in it. (Specially stupid disease)

    Yup, that seems about right. 😈

  5. All those precautions, yet nothing that says ‘DO NOT LICK THE LEAD PAINT!”. :wtf:

  6. junkman

    i would advocate using civilization language if i knew what the fuck you were talking about.

  7. junkman

    i would advocate using civilization language if i knew what the fuck you were talking about.

  8. junkman

    i would advocate using civilization language if i knew what the fuck you were talking about.

  9. junkman

    i would advocate using civilization language if i knew what the fuck you were talking about.

  10. junkman

    i would advocate using civilization language if i knew what the fuck you were talking about.

  11. junkman

    omg. how did that happen. i feel like a dink. sorry. ❓

  12. What sort of pedifile convention hall did you find this in. Children 3 – 13 are all welcome to play in the naughty place. Kids, play with your balls at home where it is safe!

  13. Wasn’t this the basis for some Charleton Heston movie? I think it’s on TV every spring. I especially like it when he parts the Red Ball Pool…

  14. hoatzin

    I feel like I have stupid tourist disease, and have the urge to spit in everywhere.

    Probably the egg nog talking.

  15. Jay Laverdure

    So, which one of you ‘Zilla girls is in charge of the
    Naughty Palace? (Just wondering if you need a palace-
    attendant or court jester…)

  16. There’s no rules at my naughty palace except one: obey me! 😈

  17. Fleetwood

    This must be one of those Chinese to English translations for the Olympics….or a sign painter who has been hit with the stupind stick

  18. family jules

    Apparently some Chinese guy bought Neverland Ranch. They had this and other signs translated into Chinese for themselves, and then back into Engrish when they realized they had a potential tourist trap. Neverland Ranch gives most of us the heebie jeebies already, but these signs give it that something extra we Americans could not have provided on our own.

  19. junkman

    “forbid slip from the tube with the head downward?” hmmm…i don’t know about you, but when i enter the naughty palace and spend my time there in play, there ain’t no other way to exit. :limp

  20. Bigwavdave

    Unless I’m mistaken, this notice is posted at all Cleveland city limits.

  21. junkman


  22. Drusky

    #4 “The tourist can’t throw with the balls”
    Well, maybe if the tourist is a talented pornstar…
    #8 “Advocate using civilization language”
    Which ‘civilization language’ is this sign in? :wtf:

  23. Bigwavdave

    J-man – Think of today as “Bad-tech-day” and let it go. :wtf:

  24. Brooklyn R.

    Honestly, what could I say to make that any funnier than it already is?

    I guess some things really do get lost in translation! :wtf:

  25. Driver

    #11 Not permit to touch with the flying saucer and the airplane.

    Is this their way of saying no playing doctor-playing house-show me yours I’ll show you mine…doesn’t sound like much of a pleasure palace to me

    Mistress Darla: I live to submit to and serve you and all the Zillagirlz…by the way may I suggest adding guns and artillery to YOUR Pleasure Palace cause theres nothing hotter than a sexy vixen holding or straddling weapons…may I offer my GUN for Zillagirl weapons training

  26. Driver

    Oh and WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME to the new Zillagirlz
    Ronica and Meshie

  27. Kristi

    I wanna know where that Naughty Palace is and how do I get in…

  28. Maddog

    What the stedged is this? :wtf:

  29. Bear

    Dave…Did you have someone make this sign just for your web site…with the purpose of confusing us of just to fuck with us?…LMAO
    It was pretty funny

  30. Spud

    Do your balls hang low, can you swing them to and fro, can you toss them over your shoulder like a regimental soldier, do your balls hang, low.


  31. Marcus

    My gun only shoots out naughty stuff. I guess it can blind you if you get it in your eyes, but only for a couple seconds.

    Sounds like the naughty palace is a toilet. I wonder if Mr. Hanky would be welcome there. Hi dee Ho.

  32. DaPopster

    Is this a continuation of yesterdays post? :wtf:

  33. :wtf: Forbid shooting at close distance when playing with the gun and artillery……. awwwwwww they are no fun! :wtf: :dead:

  34. Man, I am all the way down here at #32? I must have stayed up too late with my g/f last night!! 😈

  35. junkman

    [Comment ID #220559 will be quoted here]
    details please!
    🙂 :wang: 🙂

  36. [Comment ID #220541 will be quoted here]

    Guns, eh? That brings a whole new meaning to being pistol whipped. 😈

  37. Ronica

    [Comment ID #220543 will be quoted here]
    Many Thanks Driver 😈

    I think I saw this one outside the local Pedifiles-R-US :wtf: Or is this just the warning that they are going to put on driver’s licenses in California?

  38. This sign is the proper amalgamation of civilization language and stupid disease. Classic bit of non-idiomatic translation, or they’re just trying to fuck with us . Naughty naughty Palace!

  39. Drusky

    [Comment ID #220563 will be quoted here]
    Please! Tell us about your guns! :boob: :boob: :wang:

  40. FleetWOOD

    [Comment ID #220572 will be quoted here]
    Mine is a long rifle capable of multile shots with exacting accuracy.
    :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang:

  41. Flash Gordon

    I think the naughty palace is where I impregnated
    Jamie Lynn Spears. 😳 :wang: :wang: :wang: :thong:

  42. Drusky

    [Comment ID #220576 will be quoted here]

    That’s nice… NOW, let’s hear about Annie’s :boob: :boob: 😛

  43. Drusky

    Sorry… Meagan’s guns… Well… Annie’s, too… 😛

  44. Remember the Fem-bots from Austin Powers? Mine are just like theirs. 😈 :boob: :boob:

  45. [Comment ID #220560 will be quoted here]

    😈 Oh the usual…. toys, porn, and orgasms galore! 😈

  46. julesOdeNile

    [Comment ID #220514 will be quoted here]
    friend, no travel to place where catch stupid disease…this no happen when shoot with balls.

  47. julesOdeNile

    [Comment ID #220546 will be quoted here]

    if so, Dave would be in contravention of rule number 3 part b. and i quote ” forbid…..do some practicle jokes…” i submit. 🙂

  48. [Comment ID #220522 will be quoted here]

    Lost in translation and again in repetition.
    Good catch Jay! Will you be my jester?

    [Comment ID #220667 will be quoted here]

    We like usual, we like details… 😈

  49. julesOdeNile

    i particularly have when people, especialy the tourist, play in their own disease.

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