Note to Self, No. 5,707

Tuna on pumpernickel does not go well with V-8 and lite strawberry yogurt. Excuse me now, I need to be sick.


19 responses to “Note to Self, No. 5,707”

  1. mikeB Avatar

    Dude! Seriously. get a menu planner. :wtf:

  2. Brad Avatar

    Just be glad you brushed your teeth before eating that! Now, go wash that down with some Orange Juice.

  3. MIKEL Avatar


  4. Tami Jo Avatar

    900 cc’s of Starbucks, STAT! :dead:

  5. rust Avatar

    That’s what you get for eating at the Ex. Next time, just go to the Mars Restaurant on College to get a greasy fried egg sandwich. It will be much tastier for the little time it stays in your gullet.

    mo’ info: Mars

  6. Fran Avatar

    My rule of thumb for food combining is to ask myself-

    If I were to put all of the foods in a large glass beaker, would the mix curdle?

    If yes, DON’T eat that combination of foods, especially anything acidic (V-8) with anything dairy(yogurt).

    If no, then eat and enjoy!

    But you already know this now…by experience. Bad experience but experience nonetheless.

  7. Themrdoug Avatar

    You go an ruin pumpernickle by putting somethnig other than butter on it? What are you thinking?

    Just wondering if the vomit part is part of the diet.

    Oh and that was not “tuna” :undies:

  8. Kami Avatar

    Speaking of combining things. Cream cheese goes with everything.

    “There’s always room for cream cheese.”

    Like for some reason, I can’t tolerate nuts in salads. 😕

  9. Esther Avatar

    Ew, ew, ew!:dead:

  10. Dante Avatar

    Neither does Cool-whip act as coffe cream. Ugh…..

  11. ariel Avatar

    sounds fine to me- i’d eat it

  12. rust Avatar

    mmmm — cool whip, my favourite. how about getting a dozen or so of those hot jamaican pattees (mon) and dipping in cool whip to soften the spicy impact? just the sort of thing to let churn in your stomach while you ride the 501 rocket.

    Oh, in case anyone is interested, DAVID MARSDEN, the original MarsBar hisse’f, is BACK on the air in Toronto. The Rock 94.9 Thursday and Friday nights.

  13. Spud Avatar

    “Tuna on pumpernickel does not go well with V-8 and lite strawberry yogurt”

    That is some seriously bad food combo…


  14. pappy Avatar


    Expanding our horizons today, are we?

  15. macy Avatar

    :boobs: idont think i would eat that. i would lick that though:wang::undies::razz::thong::boobs:

  16.  Avatar

    Think I’ll use that for my Thanksgiving Menu…one should always save a turkey when possible!:idea:

  17. Darko Avatar

    Hey dave awesome photos. I wanted to ask you for permission for the use of one of your photos. The want I want to use is titled “Dolls are Evil” for commercial use. You can email me at: [email protected]. Thanks for your time.


  18. Maggie May Avatar
    Maggie May

    some things are better left in the refridgerator. Get well soon Dave! ❗

  19. Ms.Z Avatar

    Ewww, I want what your smoking. Munchies..:grin: