Note to Self, No. 5,699

The next time you hear an odd moaning sound coming from the neighbor’s balcony, resist the urge to see what is causing it.

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Show 25 Comments


  1. ariel

    i take it you did take a peek, and i must say- inquiring minds need to know!

  2. I’d say that whole leg flailing thing gave it away. :wtf:

  3. Indeed. Cause your own odd moaning sounds instead.

  4. Garth

    Aaaah Ken, I would, but how pretty is a solo not so low as to cause you to look……..sad, sadl, sad.

  5. Spud

    Old people with dangling bits should not have sex on balconies.


    if they are nubile young college type nymphettes, by all means look.

  6. You’re right Dave. It’s a well documented fact that people who investigate strange moaning noises tend to get their brains eaten.

  7. Steve

    So …. are we going to see the results of your investigation on flickr???

  8. Darth Vader

    The next time you hear an odd moaning sound coming from the neighbor’s balcony, masturbate together

  9. MIKEL

    You never know, it may be a women pleasuring herself in need of some COCK. If you dont look it may be a piece of ass you could of had.

  10. I hope it had nothing to do with dogs, tongues, genitalia and perversion.

    Or maybe yes.:evil:

  11. mikeB

    Just tell us: Was it :wang:worthy or :limp:inducing?

  12. well Dave it could of just been a constipated pigeon. 🙄

  13. Highland Lass

    If you don’t want to take the chance of getting your eyes blistered then don’t look! Go ahead – live for danger! 😈

  14. Mandy

    Was it the scary Albanians?

  15. From what I heard, mike, it was definitely :limp:.

  16. I think what is on most people’s minds is this: DID YOU GET A PHOTO?

  17. I would tell someone else to go look first, for sure.

  18. Morbid Angel

    I say get out the tape recorder and then play it back at 2 in the morning:lol:

  19. dr4g0n

    :smile:HEY! :boobs:QUIT PEEKING OVER MY BALCONY :undies:DAMNIT!!!!!:twisted:::lol:

  20. “ooooo….yesssss….chocolate!”

    I started laughing when I read this post. When I was in school. A CATHOLIC school…

  21. jl


  22. Dustin

    Sorry about all the noise….:wang::undies:

  23. leanne

    what if it were 2 :wang:’s going for it 😮

  24. Anonymous

    So exactly what was there?

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