My Crazy Neighbors

OK, well they;re not direct neighbors. I’m a mile south of them. Every year this couple goes a little overboard with the decorating and packs on the weird—even for Royal Oak. Rather than describe it, I’ve recorded it on my cell phone so you too can share in our private hell.

This display will be up until around May or so, when they get ready for Halloween.

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20 responses to “My Crazy Neighbors”

  1. AnnieB Avatar

    We’re sorry, this video is no longer available.

    Wow, this must be my lucky day! 😛

  2. Davezilla Avatar

    [quote comment=”589839″]We’re sorry, this video is no longer available.
    Wow, this must be my lucky day!
    Huh? It’s embedded on the page. 😐

  3. Nicolette Avatar

    Bwah ha ha ha ha!!!

    It looks like the house off of “Eight Crazy Nights”! Where’s Elanore and her trombone?? 😀

  4. Memphisbandman Avatar

    I always HAVE loved golf!

  5. Bigwavdave Avatar

    What’s all that white stuff?

  6. AnnieB Avatar

    [quote comment=”589842″][quote comment=”589839″]We’re sorry, this video is no longer available.
    Wow, this must be my lucky day!
    Huh? It’s embedded on the page. :-|[/quote]

    Don’t know what happened before but it’s working now. 😕

    No wonder they leave it up so long, that’s a very labor-intensive display!

    It’s Royal Oak Happy Powder Bigwavdave. 😛

  7. Meagan Avatar

    Bright lights… getting dizzy… Christmas overload… :puke:
    Ugh. I wish I hadn’t had that fruitcake. 😕

  8. zinta Avatar

    What a shameful waste of electricity… at a time when our nation is basically in a power crises… BAH HUMBUG.

  9. Patrick Avatar

    Either an employee or a stockholder of local power company, trying to earn some of his money back.
    Re: link of the day- I don’t wanna put my ball in the hole. I wanna put my putter in the hole”!

  10. fruf Avatar

    the lights go on and my vibrator slows down

  11. Spud Avatar

    Most likely that can be seen from space.

  12. DaPopster Avatar

    [quote comment=”590540″]What a shameful waste of electricity… at a time when our nation is basically in a power crises… BAH HUMBUG.[/quote]
    Most power companies give a discount if the display is ( ya think ) big enough, seen some as big if not bigger. If people want to spend their hard earned money around the holidays like that, if it gives them pleasure, I say let them. If your vibrator slows fruf, it’s not a vibrator, it’s a Dremel.
    Happy New Year all, live, love and laugh like there is no tomorrow. 😉

  13. AnnieB Avatar

    [quote comment=”591346″]Most likely that can be seen from space.[/quote]


  14. Mandy Fish Avatar

    Yeah, sure, your “neighbors.”

    We all know it’s yours, Dave.

  15. Davezilla Avatar

    [quote comment=”592182″]Yeah, sure, your “neighbors.”
    We all know it’s yours, Dave.[/quote]
    You know, you don’t live too far from me, as I recall. How do I know it’s not you and the BF? 😈

  16. nina Avatar

    Not only is it creepy as hell but did anyone else notice the frosty? Every time it moved its hate part of his head was missing reminding me of Hannibal when Hopkins removed the top of that guys head to cut out peices of the brain.

  17. Bill Avatar

    Thanks for the link…..I forgot a couple of the rules of golf! Happy New Year to all, and wish me luck on the course in 09…

  18. Tammy Avatar

    Those blow up things especially the one with the merrygo round thing really creep me out. People are really into those in my neighborhood.

  19. MIKE Avatar

    thank GOD someone has the CHRISTMAS JOY :love:

  20. Timm Avatar

    For me, the best smell of Christmas is the smell of hot plastic from an overloaded extension cord.

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