My Crazy Neighbors

OK, well they;re not direct neighbors. I'm a mile south of them. Every year this couple goes a little overboard with the decorating and packs on the weird—even for Royal Oak. Rather than describe it, I've recorded it on my cell phone so you too can share in our private hell. This display will be up until around May or so, when they get ready for Halloween.

Isn’t Work Fun?

Crossing the casino floor (I'm legally prevented from saying which one by a NDA so profound I can't even comment if it's on this planet, let alone something as simple as it's name) is like wandering through a menagerie of Darwinism (indeed, and participants in the Darwin Awards). Though the dude sucking back the eighteen pound hamburger pictured above has never hopped on his electrified fat-mobile and zoomed through the double-wide front doors to drop a few bucks before eating himself into a grease-coma, more than a few of our 'guests' (we don't call them customers because apparently they feel…


I always seem to look at the clock when it turns 12:34, and frequently, 12:34:56. I don't do this intentionally, nor do I wait for it to turn. it's just a weird synchronicity thing. I asked several of my friends if they always seem to notice a certain time on the clock and I am alone on the sequential numbering; they all see 11:11. Jason told me that many people say you are to make a wish if you see 11:11. How about you? Do you always notice a certain time of the day on digital clocks?