More people we can safely dislike #20

  1. Kids that dropped out of school because, “My teachah’s ignernt.”
  2. Clowns. Always clowns.
  3. Douchebags that tell their girlfriends they can’t hang out with their guy friends, but they of course can continue to hang out with their ex-girlfriends.
  4. People with shit taste in films who insist that despite the critics, despite what my friends have said, despite the awful trailers that I’m really missing out on the depth of Pauly Shore’s venerable acting career.
  5. Anyone who defends Coldplay.
  6. People who act affronted that they can’t carry automatic weapons with them into Wal-Mart.
  7. The Illuminati. I mean, what good are they anymore?
  8. Diehard Dan Brown fans.
  9. People who text two-handed on their Crackberries while driving a BMW with manual transmission.
  10. The reader who keeps mailing me Xtian tracts to save my soul.
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  1. Felisa

    :wang: WOW at the video…DOUCHEBAG? Damn…has he even seen a vagina before? His orange and spoon demonstration really says everything.

  2. 1. Jesusophile (re: link of the day)
    2. Chris Brown
    3. Kanye West
    4. Parents who support their kid’s “right” to wear clothing with offensive messages to school
    5. Any movie with Michael Douglas, Keanu Reeves, Nicolas Cage, Will Ferrell, Ben Stiller, Vin Diesel, Eddie Murphy, Kevin Costner, or any Baldwin.
    6. “Reality” TV – especially Survivor. Unless someone dies, they’re all survivors.
    7. Offensensitivity

  3. [quote comment=”630621″]:wang: WOW at the video…DOUCHEBAG? Damn…has he even seen a vagina before? His orange and spoon demonstration really says everything.[/quote]
    There is a huge difference between sex and Traumatic Insemination. I guess he missed that memo.

  4. fruf

    Political correctness
    governments invasion of my privacy
    lack of nookie
    driver with a plate and fork on the steering wheel.cel phone in his ear and turning from the wrong lane of the road

  5. Patrick

    Yeah, I’ve had my fill of reality TV also. We can include American Idol and Dance With the Stars.
    We can add Adam Sandler movies to that list also. Ditto Will Farrell.
    fruf, don’t knock ADD. It’s like talking to a pinball! “Catch (up with) me if you can”!
    Parking lot assholes- those who can’t park parallel to the stripes or can find the middle of the spot and especially those who think it’s okay to pull through, for Batman fast getaways. And especially the a-hole across, defying the flow of traffic to snag a spot I’m headed for when I’m going the right direction.

  6. Mommielicious a.k.a. Niki

    Okay so I made it like about a minute and a half into the video of the day and I’m convinced that that man is certifiably crazy. Since when is sex not meant to be pleasing to me?? And the hand gestures for :boob: :boob: was classic. Did anyone else notice that he kept watching the tomato or what ever he was molesting with that spoon?? It was like he couldn’t concentrate. I think he was actually drooling over it. I’m guessing that the only way he has sex is if he pays for it or in worse case scenario he rapes some poor woman because he thinks that’s why God put her here on earth (to please man) and that she somehow deserves that.

  7. Mike

    anyone that sais (OH MY BAD) that means fuck you I can kill someone and make it ok, with a stupid remark.

  8. Patrick

    re: video of the day- What a dope! Son, if sex isn’t pleasureable for the female, you ain’t doing it right! “vaJYnal” sex? I always thought it was VAJ-i-nuhl sex. I think he’s got the accent on the wrong syLLAHble. I couldn’t stand but a minute of it. I can’t imagine that moron have anything more intellingent to say for the next six minutes and I choose not to waste six minutes of my life on that dope. All hat, no cattle.

  9. Bec

    I am lost…although I agree Dave, how do I chat? BTW…Dave, email me!
    ~ Bec

  10. Those people who let their cars sit and idle in front of a store while they just run in “real quick” for fifteen minutes.

  11. [quote comment=”630668″]I am lost…although I agree Dave, how do I chat? BTW…Dave, email me!
    ~ Bec[/quote]

    Hey Bec, you should see a “Write Stuff” link on the right side for chatting. Either that or a “Sign In” link. You can reach the Great Zilla through the Contact link at the top. You can even send him pictures :boob: :boob: that he can then forward on to us. :wang:

  12. junkman

    -all my employees
    -all their family members and friends
    -all my customers
    -all public employees
    -all engineers
    -all people who work in liquor or beer stores
    -all salesmen
    -all bosses
    -all politicians
    -all religious folk
    -all war mongers

    i think i could go on forever…..

  13. David Spade. I can’t stand that guy. Never could. He’s like the twerpy kid in high school that always got away with s**t you didn’t and taunted you for it, and you just wanted to kick the living crap out of him every time you see him.

    That’s how I feel when I see David Spade.

    I have no pent up anger from my Catholic high school, really.


  14. [quote comment=”630726″]David Spade. I can’t stand that guy. Never could. He’s like the twerpy kid in high school that always got away with s**t you didn’t and taunted you for it, and you just wanted to kick the living crap out of him every time you see him.

    That’s how I feel when I see David Spade.

    I have no pent up anger from my Catholic high school, really.

    i hate that little dickwad too. you know he is into some freaky shit in the bedroom. i bet you he wears girl’s :knickers: around the house and dances to really ghey music..then he asks her to ream his pink ass with a big black strapon.

    or maybe that was my fantasy. :wtf:

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