Overheard: Is it permanent?

Girl 1: “Have you seen my new tat? I don’t think I’ve seen you since I got it.”
Girl 2: “No! Lemme see!”
[looks at her shoulderblade]
Girl 2: “Oh, cool! Is it permanent?”
Girl 1: “Yeah… That’s kinda the point.”
Girl 2: “Really? Nothing will wash it off?”
Girl 1: [shakes head]
Girl 1: “What if you use a really good exfoliant?”


12 responses to “Overheard: Is it permanent?”

  1. Supercharged_goddess Avatar

    FIRST! I LOVE INK! :wang: :wang:

  2. Spud Avatar


  3. Manticore Avatar

    my friend thought I had colored one of my tattoos in with marker after getting it. 🙄

  4. Chris S. Avatar
    Chris S.

    I didn’t know tattoos were considered foliage…

  5. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Exfoliant naw! On the other hand, she could always try a defoliant. May I be so bold as to recommend the Agent Orange brand?

  6. junkman Avatar

    i thought only guys could be dorks?

  7. Bigwavdave Avatar

    So, Girl #1 was calling herself a major dork?

  8. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #323166 will appear here]

    Verrrry good! 😀 😆 :kiss:

  9. patrick Avatar

    What if you were to stop breathing for say, forever? Oh, I know, the world would be a better place!

  10. Meagan Avatar

    Is brain damage permanent, dorkus? 🙄

  11. Nicolette Avatar

    I bet an industrial strength band sander will take it off easy!

    Were these two Mensa candidates blonde? Just saying……

    Like Oh My Gawd! :wtf:

  12. Drusky Avatar

    The shoulder tat was probably best viewed from behind her and reads “This end up or against wall”.