I have no words

I mean, how do you screw up a simple chest bump?



22 responses to “I have no words”

  1. Night Queen Avatar

    Key word here is simple. Then you have to consider who can or can’t comprehend simple things. 🙄

  2. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    “Is it in yet?”

  3. Drusky Avatar

    “Get In My Belly!”

  4. Drusky Avatar

    A rare picture of George W. and his Siamese twin (who were joined at the nipples) doing their rendition of “Y.M.C.A.”. After the separation surgery, the un-named twin (we’ll call him ‘Flash’) said “Thank God we we shared nipples and not brains…” 😈

  5. Spud Avatar

    It is as prophesied, the end of days hath cometh, tho thpeaketh the prez.

  6. t1nyturtle Avatar

    “Monkey see, monkey do” does it for me. Although that doesn’t explain the grimace Commander Guy uses in lieu of a smile…

  7. AnnieB Avatar

    What a buffoon. I guess stupid goes clear down to the bone… :wtf:

  8. AnnieB Avatar

    “heh, heh. Good to see ya, here’s your deeploma. Whatever, heh, heh.”

    “Now go out and get keeled.”

    Pyrrhus – Huffington Post – This guy called it, in spades…

  9. Meagan Avatar

    Some guys have hairy chests. This guy’s chest is really Bushy.

  10. Mandy Avatar

    “mah kung fu is better ‘n’ yours, g.i. joe”

  11. Chris S. Avatar
    Chris S.


    Sometimes I wonder why nobody invaded the US to remove HIM from power. What a dork.

  12. Lung the Younger Avatar

    ‘How often have I told you guys to never, ever dress the Supreme Commander in anything that has Velcro…’

  13. janeeto Avatar

    [Comment ID #322614 will appear here]
    The BESTEST comment!!!!

  14. julesOdeNile Avatar

    [Comment ID #322614 will appear here]

    that’s the one! died laughing! 😀

  15. Meagan Avatar

    [Comment ID #323226 will appear here]

    Thanks! You’re the BESTEST! You too jules! :kiss:

  16. Jim Avatar

    I don’t think it’s a chest bump. I think Bush was buttoning his jacket next to that military-looking guy and grabbed the military guy’s button by accident. He buttoned them together.

    This is Georgie reacting to it. “What the fuck are you doing, man? Don’cha know I’m the Pres’dent, the most pow’rful man in th world?”

  17. ashlie Avatar

    it kinda looks like bush has boobs :boobs: and the military dude is trying to c them

  18. kkkkathryn Avatar

    [Comment ID #322614 will appear here]

    whoa…the definitive comment award is all yours!


  19. janeeto Avatar

    I think they are letting all of us know of the future celebrity dance show premiering this fall, “Homosexual Dancing With the Stars”. I mean, he’s preparing for life after January…. Finally, he’s thinking ‘down the road’ and his future – he didn’t think of the ramifications of any of his decisions for this country (or military) during his presidency.

  20. Elle Avatar

    Oh, the look of concentration on Dubya’s uh, face.

  21. Miss Weeza Avatar
    Miss Weeza

    That outfit can’t be helping.

    (hi Dave!)

  22. Davezilla Avatar

    [Comment ID #336699 will appear here]

    Hi Weeza! LTNH